getDomFromZip($this->docFile, $this->xmlFile); $docSettings = $phpWord->getSettings(); $nodes = $xmlReader->getElements('*'); if ($nodes->length > 0) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $name = str_replace('w:', '', $node->nodeName); $value = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:val', $node); $method = 'set' . $name; if (in_array($name, $this::$booleanProperties)) { if ($value == 'false') { $docSettings->$method(false); } else { $docSettings->$method(true); } } elseif (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method($xmlReader, $phpWord, $node); } elseif (method_exists($docSettings, $method)) { $docSettings->$method($value); } } } } /** * Sets the document Language * * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setThemeFontLang(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $val = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:val', $node); $eastAsia = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:eastAsia', $node); $bidi = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:bidi', $node); $themeFontLang = new Language(); $themeFontLang->setLatin($val); $themeFontLang->setEastAsia($eastAsia); $themeFontLang->setBidirectional($bidi); $phpWord->getSettings()->setThemeFontLang($themeFontLang); } /** * Sets the document protection * * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setDocumentProtection(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $documentProtection = $phpWord->getSettings()->getDocumentProtection(); $edit = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:edit', $node); if ($edit !== null) { $documentProtection->setEditing($edit); } } /** * Sets the proof state * * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setProofState(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $proofState = $phpWord->getSettings()->getProofState(); $spelling = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:spelling', $node); $grammar = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:grammar', $node); if ($spelling !== null) { $proofState->setSpelling($spelling); } if ($grammar !== null) { $proofState->setGrammar($grammar); } } /** * Sets the proof state * * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setZoom(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $percent = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:percent', $node); $val = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:val', $node); if ($percent !== null || $val !== null) { $phpWord->getSettings()->setZoom($percent === null ? $val : $percent); } } /** * Set the Revision view * * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setRevisionView(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $revisionView = new TrackChangesView(); $revisionView->setMarkup(filter_var($xmlReader->getAttribute('w:markup', $node), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)); $revisionView->setComments($xmlReader->getAttribute('w:comments', $node)); $revisionView->setInsDel(filter_var($xmlReader->getAttribute('w:insDel', $node), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)); $revisionView->setFormatting(filter_var($xmlReader->getAttribute('w:formatting', $node), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)); $revisionView->setInkAnnotations(filter_var($xmlReader->getAttribute('w:inkAnnotations', $node), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)); $phpWord->getSettings()->setRevisionView($revisionView); } /** * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setConsecutiveHyphenLimit(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $value = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:val', $node); if ($value !== null) { $phpWord->getSettings()->setConsecutiveHyphenLimit($value); } } /** * @param XMLReader $xmlReader * @param PhpWord $phpWord * @param \DOMElement $node */ protected function setHyphenationZone(XMLReader $xmlReader, PhpWord $phpWord, \DOMElement $node) { $value = $xmlReader->getAttribute('w:val', $node); if ($value !== null) { $phpWord->getSettings()->setHyphenationZone($value); } } }