/* Copyright 2012, KISSY UI Library v1.20 MIT Licensed build time: Feb 8 17:28 */ /* * a seed where KISSY grows up from , KISS Yeah ! * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, undefined) { /** * @namespace KISSY */ var host = this, meta = { /** * Copies all the properties of s to r. * @param deep {boolean} whether recursive mix if encounter object * @return {Object} the augmented object */ mix:function (r, s, ov, wl, deep) { if (!s || !r) { return r; } if (ov === undefined) { ov = true; } var i, p, len; if (wl && (len = wl.length)) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { p = wl[i]; if (p in s) { _mix(p, r, s, ov, deep); } } } else { for (p in s) { _mix(p, r, s, ov, deep); } } return r; } }, _mix = function (p, r, s, ov, deep) { if (ov || !(p in r)) { var target = r[p], src = s[p]; // prevent never-end loop if (target === src) { return; } // 来源是数组和对象,并且要求深度 mix if (deep && src && (S.isArray(src) || S.isPlainObject(src))) { // 目标值为对象或数组,直接 mix // 否则 新建一个和源值类型一样的空数组/对象,递归 mix var clone = target && (S.isArray(target) || S.isPlainObject(target)) ? target : (S.isArray(src) ? [] : {}); r[p] = S.mix(clone, src, ov, undefined, true); } else if (src !== undefined) { r[p] = s[p]; } } }, // If KISSY is already defined, the existing KISSY object will not // be overwritten so that defined namespaces are preserved. seed = (host && host[S]) || {}, guid = 0, EMPTY = ''; // The host of runtime environment. specify by user's seed or , // compatibled for ' is null' in unknown engine. host = seed.__HOST || (seed.__HOST = host || {}); // shortcut and meta for seed. // override previous kissy S = host[S] = meta.mix(seed, meta); S.mix(S, { configs:{}, // S.app() with these members. __APP_MEMBERS:['namespace'], __APP_INIT_METHODS:['__init'], /** * The version of the library. * @type {String} */ version:'1.20', buildTime:'20120208172832', /** * Returns a new object containing all of the properties of * all the supplied objects. The properties from later objects * will overwrite those in earlier objects. Passing in a * single object will create a shallow copy of it. * @return {Object} the new merged object */ merge:function () { var o = {}, i, l = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { S.mix(o, arguments[i]); } return o; }, /** * Applies prototype properties from the supplier to the receiver. * @return {Object} the augmented object */ augment:function (/*r, s1, s2, ..., ov, wl*/) { var args = S.makeArray(arguments), len = args.length - 2, r = args[0], ov = args[len], wl = args[len + 1], i = 1; if (!S.isArray(wl)) { ov = wl; wl = undefined; len++; } if (!S.isBoolean(ov)) { ov = undefined; len++; } for (; i < len; i++) { S.mix(r.prototype, args[i].prototype || args[i], ov, wl); } return r; }, /** * Utility to set up the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to * support an inheritance strategy that can chain constructors and methods. * Static members will not be inherited. * @param r {Function} the object to modify * @param s {Function} the object to inherit * @param px {Object} prototype properties to add/override * @param {Object} [sx] static properties to add/override * @return r {Object} */ extend:function (r, s, px, sx) { if (!s || !r) { return r; } var create = Object.create ? function (proto, c) { return Object.create(proto, { constructor:{ value:c } }); } : function (proto, c) { function F() { } F.prototype = proto; var o = new F(); o.constructor = c; return o; }, sp = s.prototype, rp; // add prototype chain rp = create(sp, r); r.prototype = S.mix(rp, r.prototype); r.superclass = create(sp, s); // add prototype overrides if (px) { S.mix(rp, px); } // add object overrides if (sx) { S.mix(r, sx); } return r; }, /**************************************************************************************** * The KISSY System Framework * ****************************************************************************************/ /** * Initializes KISSY */ __init:function () { this.Config = this.Config || {}; this.Env = this.Env || {}; // NOTICE: '@DEBUG@' will replace with '' when compressing. // So, if loading source file, debug is on by default. // If loading min version, debug is turned off automatically. this.Config.debug = '@DEBUG@'; }, /** * Returns the namespace specified and creates it if it doesn't exist. Be careful * when naming packages. Reserved words may work in some browsers and not others. * * S.namespace('KISSY.app'); // returns KISSY.app * S.namespace('app.Shop'); // returns KISSY.app.Shop * S.namespace('TB.app.Shop', true); // returns TB.app.Shop * * @return {Object} A reference to the last namespace object created */ namespace:function () { var args = S.makeArray(arguments), l = args.length, o = null, i, j, p, global = (args[l - 1] === true && l--); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { p = (EMPTY + args[i]).split('.'); o = global ? host : this; for (j = (host[p[0]] === o) ? 1 : 0; j < p.length; ++j) { o = o[p[j]] = o[p[j]] || { }; } } return o; }, /** * create app based on KISSY. * @param name {String} the app name * @param sx {Object} static properties to add/override * * S.app('TB'); * TB.namespace('app'); // returns TB.app * * @return {Object} A reference to the app global object */ app:function (name, sx) { var isStr = S.isString(name), O = isStr ? host[name] || {} : name, i = 0, len = S.__APP_INIT_METHODS.length; S.mix(O, this, true, S.__APP_MEMBERS); for (; i < len; i++) { S[S.__APP_INIT_METHODS[i]].call(O); } S.mix(O, S.isFunction(sx) ? sx() : sx); isStr && (host[name] = O); return O; }, config:function (c) { var configs, cfg, r; for (var p in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if ((configs = this['configs']) && (cfg = configs[p])) { r = cfg(c[p]); } } } return r; }, /** * Prints debug info. * @param msg {String} the message to log. * @param {String} [cat] the log category for the message. Default * categories are "info", "warn", "error", "time" etc. * @param {String} [src] the source of the the message (opt) */ log:function (msg, cat, src) { if (S.Config.debug) { if (src) { msg = src + ': ' + msg; } if (host['console'] !== undefined && console.log) { console[cat && console[cat] ? cat : 'log'](msg); } } }, /** * Throws error message. */ error:function (msg) { if (S.Config.debug) { throw msg; } }, /* * Generate a global unique id. * @param {String} [pre] guid prefix * @return {String} the guid */ guid:function (pre) { return (pre || EMPTY) + guid++; } }); S.__init(); return S; })('KISSY', undefined); /** * @module lang * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com * @description this code can run in any ecmascript compliant environment */ (function (S, undefined) { var host = S.__HOST, TRUE = true, FALSE = false, OP = Object.prototype, toString = OP.toString, hasOwnProperty = OP.hasOwnProperty, AP = Array.prototype, indexOf = AP.indexOf, lastIndexOf = AP.lastIndexOf, filter = AP.filter, every = AP.every, some = AP.some, //reduce = AP.reduce, trim = String.prototype.trim, map = AP.map, EMPTY = '', HEX_BASE = 16, CLONE_MARKER = '__~ks_cloned', COMPARE_MARKER = '__~ks_compared', STAMP_MARKER = '__~ks_stamped', RE_TRIM = /^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, encode = encodeURIComponent, decode = decodeURIComponent, SEP = '&', EQ = '=', // [[Class]] -> type pairs class2type = {}, // http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet htmlEntities = { '&':'&', '>':'>', '<':'<', '`':'`', '/':'/', '"':'"', ''':"'" }, reverseEntities = {}, escapeReg, unEscapeReg, // - # $ ^ * ( ) + [ ] { } | \ , . ? escapeRegExp = /[\-#$\^*()+\[\]{}|\\,.?\s]/g; (function () { for (var k in htmlEntities) { if (htmlEntities.hasOwnProperty(k)) { reverseEntities[htmlEntities[k]] = k; } } })(); function getEscapeReg() { if (escapeReg) { return escapeReg } var str = EMPTY; S.each(htmlEntities, function (entity) { str += entity + '|'; }); str = str.slice(0, -1); return escapeReg = new RegExp(str, "g"); } function getUnEscapeReg() { if (unEscapeReg) { return unEscapeReg } var str = EMPTY; S.each(reverseEntities, function (entity) { str += entity + '|'; }); str += '&#(\\d{1,5});'; return unEscapeReg = new RegExp(str, "g"); } function isValidParamValue(val) { var t = typeof val; // If the type of val is null, undefined, number, string, boolean, return true. return nullOrUndefined(val) || (t !== 'object' && t !== 'function'); } S.mix(S, { /** * stamp a object by guid * @return guid associated with this object */ stamp:function (o, readOnly, marker) { if (!o) { return o } marker = marker || STAMP_MARKER; var guid = o[marker]; if (guid) { return guid; } else if (!readOnly) { try { guid = o[marker] = S.guid(marker); } catch (e) { guid = undefined; } } return guid; }, noop:function () { }, /** * Determine the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object. */ type:function (o) { return nullOrUndefined(o) ? String(o) : class2type[toString.call(o)] || 'object'; }, isNullOrUndefined:nullOrUndefined, isNull:function (o) { return o === null; }, isUndefined:function (o) { return o === undefined; }, /** * Checks to see if an object is empty. */ isEmptyObject:function (o) { for (var p in o) { if (p !== undefined) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }, /** * Checks to see if an object is a plain object (created using "{}" * or "new Object()" or "new FunctionClass()"). * Ref: http://lifesinger.org/blog/2010/12/thinking-of-isplainobject/ */ isPlainObject:function (o) { /** * note by yiminghe * isPlainObject(node=document.getElementById("xx")) -> false * toString.call(node) : ie678 == '[object Object]',other =='[object HTMLElement]' * 'isPrototypeOf' in node : ie678 === false ,other === true */ return o && toString.call(o) === '[object Object]' && 'isPrototypeOf' in o; }, /** * 两个目标是否内容相同 * * @param a 比较目标1 * @param b 比较目标2 * @param [mismatchKeys] internal use * @param [mismatchValues] internal use */ equals:function (a, b, /*internal use*/mismatchKeys, /*internal use*/mismatchValues) { // inspired by jasmine mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || []; mismatchValues = mismatchValues || []; if (a === b) { return TRUE; } if (a === undefined || a === null || b === undefined || b === null) { // need type coercion return nullOrUndefined(a) && nullOrUndefined(b); } if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) { return a.getTime() == b.getTime(); } if (S.isString(a) && S.isString(b)) { return (a == b); } if (S.isNumber(a) && S.isNumber(b)) { return (a == b); } if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") { return compareObjects(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); } // Straight check return (a === b); }, /** * Creates a deep copy of a plain object or array. Others are returned untouched. * 稍微改改就和规范一样了 :) * @param input * @param {Function} filter filter function * @refer http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/common-dom-interfaces.html#safe-passing-of-structured-data */ clone:function (input, filter) { // Let memory be an association list of pairs of objects, // initially empty. This is used to handle duplicate references. // In each pair of objects, one is called the source object // and the other the destination object. var memory = {}, ret = cloneInternal(input, filter, memory); S.each(memory, function (v) { // 清理在源对象上做的标记 v = v.input; if (v[CLONE_MARKER]) { try { delete v[CLONE_MARKER]; } catch (e) { S.log("delete CLONE_MARKER error : "); v[CLONE_MARKER] = undefined; } } }); memory = null; return ret; }, /** * Removes the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. */ trim:trim ? function (str) { return nullOrUndefined(str) ? EMPTY : trim.call(str); } : function (str) { return nullOrUndefined(str) ? EMPTY : str.toString().replace(RE_TRIM, EMPTY); }, /** * Substitutes keywords in a string using an object/array. * Removes undefined keywords and ignores escaped keywords. */ substitute:function (str, o, regexp) { if (!S.isString(str) || !S.isPlainObject(o)) { return str; } return str.replace(regexp || /\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function (match, name) { if (match.charAt(0) === '\\') { return match.slice(1); } return (o[name] === undefined) ? EMPTY : o[name]; }); }, /** * Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. * @param object {Object} the object to iterate * @param fn {Function} the function to execute on each item. The function * receives three arguments: the value, the index, the full array. * @param {Object} [context] */ each:function (object, fn, context) { if (object) { var key, val, i = 0, length = object && object.length, isObj = length === undefined || S.type(object) === 'function'; context = context || host; if (isObj) { for (key in object) { // can not use hasOwnProperty if (fn.call(context, object[key], key, object) === FALSE) { break; } } } else { for (val = object[0]; i < length && fn.call(context, val, i, object) !== FALSE; val = object[++i]) { } } } return object; }, /** * Search for a specified value within an array. */ indexOf:indexOf ? function (item, arr) { return indexOf.call(arr, item); } : function (item, arr) { for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) { if (arr[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; }, /** * Returns the index of the last item in the array * that contains the specified value, -1 if the * value isn't found. */ lastIndexOf:(lastIndexOf) ? function (item, arr) { return lastIndexOf.call(arr, item); } : function (item, arr) { for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (arr[i] === item) { break; } } return i; }, /** * Returns a copy of the array with the duplicate entries removed * @param a {Array} the array to find the subset of uniques for * @param override {Boolean} * if override is true, S.unique([a, b, a]) => [b, a] * if override is false, S.unique([a, b, a]) => [a, b] * @return {Array} a copy of the array with duplicate entries removed */ unique:function (a, override) { var b = a.slice(); if (override) { b.reverse(); } var i = 0, n, item; while (i < b.length) { item = b[i]; while ((n = S.lastIndexOf(item, b)) !== i) { b.splice(n, 1); } i += 1; } if (override) { b.reverse(); } return b; }, /** * Search for a specified value index within an array. */ inArray:function (item, arr) { return S.indexOf(item, arr) > -1; }, /** * Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. * Returns a new array containing the items that the supplied * function returned true for. * @param arr {Array} the array to iterate * @param fn {Function} the function to execute on each item * @param context {Object} optional context object * @return {Array} The items on which the supplied function * returned true. If no items matched an empty array is * returned. */ filter:filter ? function (arr, fn, context) { return filter.call(arr, fn, context || this); } : function (arr, fn, context) { var ret = []; S.each(arr, function (item, i, arr) { if (fn.call(context || this, item, i, arr)) { ret.push(item); } }); return ret; }, // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map map:map ? function (arr, fn, context) { return map.call(arr, fn, context || this); } : function (arr, fn, context) { var len = arr.length, res = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var el = S.isString(arr) ? arr.charAt(i) : arr[i]; if (el || //ie<9 in invalid when typeof arr == string i in arr) { res[i] = fn.call(context || this, el, i, arr); } } return res; }, /** * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/array/reduce */ reduce:/* NaN ? reduce ? function(arr, callback, initialValue) { return arr.reduce(callback, initialValue); } : */function (arr, callback, initialValue) { var len = arr.length; if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError("callback is not function!"); } // no value to return if no initial value and an empty array if (len === 0 && arguments.length == 2) { throw new TypeError("arguments invalid"); } var k = 0; var accumulator; if (arguments.length >= 3) { accumulator = arguments[2]; } else { do { if (k in arr) { accumulator = arr[k++]; break; } // if array contains no values, no initial value to return k += 1; if (k >= len) { throw new TypeError(); } } while (TRUE); } while (k < len) { if (k in arr) { accumulator = callback.call(undefined, accumulator, arr[k], k, arr); } k++; } return accumulator; }, every:every ? function (arr, fn, context) { return every.call(arr, fn, context || this); } : function (arr, fn, context) { var len = arr && arr.length || 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in arr && !fn.call(context, arr[i], i, arr)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }, some:some ? function (arr, fn, context) { return some.call(arr, fn, context || this); } : function (arr, fn, context) { var len = arr && arr.length || 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in arr && fn.call(context, arr[i], i, arr)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }, /** * it is not same with native bind * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind */ bind:function (fn, obj) { var slice = [].slice, args = slice.call(arguments, 2), fNOP = function () { }, bound = function () { return fn.apply(this instanceof fNOP ? this : obj, args.concat(slice.call(arguments))); }; fNOP.prototype = fn.prototype; bound.prototype = new fNOP(); return bound; }, /** * Gets current date in milliseconds. * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/now * http://j-query.blogspot.com/2011/02/timing-ecmascript-5-datenow-function.html * http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/ */ now:Date.now || function () { return +new Date(); }, /** * frequently used in taobao cookie about nick */ fromUnicode:function (str) { return str.replace(/\\u([a-f\d]{4})/ig, function (m, u) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(u, HEX_BASE)); }); }, /** * escape string to html * @refer http://yiminghe.javaeye.com/blog/788929 * http://wonko.com/post/html-escaping * @param str {string} text2html show */ escapeHTML:function (str) { return str.replace(getEscapeReg(), function (m) { return reverseEntities[m]; }); }, escapeRegExp:function (str) { return str.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&'); }, /** * unescape html to string * @param str {string} html2text */ unEscapeHTML:function (str) { return str.replace(getUnEscapeReg(), function (m, n) { return htmlEntities[m] || String.fromCharCode(+n); }); }, /** * Converts object to a true array. * @param o {object|Array} array like object or array * @return {Array} */ makeArray:function (o) { if (nullOrUndefined(o)) { return []; } if (S.isArray(o)) { return o; } // The strings and functions also have 'length' if (typeof o.length !== 'number' || S.isString(o) || S.isFunction(o)) { return [o]; } var ret = []; for (var i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; i++) { ret[i] = o[i]; } return ret; }, /** * Creates a serialized string of an array or object. * @return {String} * * {foo: 1, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=1&bar=2' * {foo: 1, bar: [2, 3]} // -> 'foo=1&bar=2&bar=3' * {foo: '', bar: 2} // -> 'foo=&bar=2' * {foo: undefined, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=undefined&bar=2' * {foo: true, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=true&bar=2' * */ param:function (o, sep, eq, arr) { if (!S.isPlainObject(o)) { return EMPTY; } sep = sep || SEP; eq = eq || EQ; if (S.isUndefined(arr)) { arr = TRUE; } var buf = [], key, val; for (key in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = o[key]; key = encode(key); // val is valid non-array value if (isValidParamValue(val)) { buf.push(key, eq, encode(val + EMPTY), sep); } // val is not empty array else if (S.isArray(val) && val.length) { for (var i = 0, len = val.length; i < len; ++i) { if (isValidParamValue(val[i])) { buf.push(key, (arr ? encode("[]") : EMPTY), eq, encode(val[i] + EMPTY), sep); } } } // ignore other cases, including empty array, Function, RegExp, Date etc. } } buf.pop(); return buf.join(EMPTY); }, /** * Parses a URI-like query string and returns an object composed of parameter/value pairs. * * 'section=blog&id=45' // -> {section: 'blog', id: '45'} * 'section=blog&tag=js&tag=doc' // -> {section: 'blog', tag: ['js', 'doc']} * 'tag=ruby%20on%20rails' // -> {tag: 'ruby on rails'} * 'id=45&raw' // -> {id: '45', raw: ''} * */ unparam:function (str, sep, eq) { if (typeof str !== 'string' || (str = S.trim(str)).length === 0) { return {}; } sep = sep || SEP; eq = eq || EQ; var ret = {}, pairs = str.split(sep), pair, key, val, i = 0, len = pairs.length; for (; i < len; ++i) { pair = pairs[i].split(eq); key = decode(pair[0]); try { val = decode(pair[1] || EMPTY); } catch (e) { S.log(e + "decodeURIComponent error : " + pair[1], "error"); val = pair[1] || EMPTY; } if (S.endsWith(key, "[]")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length - 2); } if (hasOwnProperty.call(ret, key)) { if (S.isArray(ret[key])) { ret[key].push(val); } else { ret[key] = [ret[key], val]; } } else { ret[key] = val; } } return ret; }, /** * Executes the supplied function in the context of the supplied * object 'when' milliseconds later. Executes the function a * single time unless periodic is set to true. * @param fn {Function|String} the function to execute or the name of the method in * the 'o' object to execute. * @param when {Number} the number of milliseconds to wait until the fn is executed. * @param periodic {Boolean} if true, executes continuously at supplied interval * until canceled. * @param context {Object} the context object. * @param [data] that is provided to the function. This accepts either a single * item or an array. If an array is provided, the function is executed with * one parameter for each array item. If you need to pass a single array * parameter, it needs to be wrapped in an array [myarray]. * @return {Object} a timer object. Call the cancel() method on this object to stop * the timer. */ later:function (fn, when, periodic, context, data) { when = when || 0; var m = fn, d = S.makeArray(data), f, r; if (S.isString(fn)) { m = context[fn]; } if (!m) { S.error('method undefined'); } f = function () { m.apply(context, d); }; r = (periodic) ? setInterval(f, when) : setTimeout(f, when); return { id:r, interval:periodic, cancel:function () { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(r); } else { clearTimeout(r); } } }; }, startsWith:function (str, prefix) { return str.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0; }, endsWith:function (str, suffix) { var ind = str.length - suffix.length; return ind >= 0 && str.indexOf(suffix, ind) == ind; }, /** * Based on YUI3 * Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls. * @param {function} fn The function call to throttle. * @param {object} context ontext fn to run * @param {Number} ms The number of milliseconds to throttle the method call. * Passing a -1 will disable the throttle. Defaults to 150. * @return {function} Returns a wrapped function that calls fn throttled. */ throttle:function (fn, ms, context) { ms = ms || 150; if (ms === -1) { return (function () { fn.apply(context || this, arguments); }); } var last = S.now(); return (function () { var now = S.now(); if (now - last > ms) { last = now; fn.apply(context || this, arguments); } }); }, /** * buffers a call between a fixed time * @param {function} fn * @param {object} [context] * @param {Number} ms */ buffer:function (fn, ms, context) { ms = ms || 150; if (ms === -1) { return (function () { fn.apply(context || this, arguments); }); } var bufferTimer = null; function f() { f.stop(); bufferTimer = S.later(fn, ms, FALSE, context || this); } f.stop = function () { if (bufferTimer) { bufferTimer.cancel(); bufferTimer = 0; } }; return f; } }); // for idea ..... auto-hint S.mix(S, { isBoolean:isValidParamValue, isNumber:isValidParamValue, isString:isValidParamValue, isFunction:isValidParamValue, isArray:isValidParamValue, isDate:isValidParamValue, isRegExp:isValidParamValue, isObject:isValidParamValue }); S.each('Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object'.split(' '), function (name, lc) { // populate the class2type map class2type['[object ' + name + ']'] = (lc = name.toLowerCase()); // add isBoolean/isNumber/... S['is' + name] = function (o) { return S.type(o) == lc; } }); function nullOrUndefined(o) { return S.isNull(o) || S.isUndefined(o); } function cloneInternal(input, f, memory) { var destination = input, isArray, isPlainObject, k, stamp; if (!input) { return destination; } // If input is the source object of a pair of objects in memory, // then return the destination object in that pair of objects . // and abort these steps. if (input[CLONE_MARKER]) { // 对应的克隆后对象 return memory[input[CLONE_MARKER]].destination; } else if (typeof input === "object") { // 引用类型要先记录 var constructor = input.constructor; if (S.inArray(constructor, [Boolean, String, Number, Date, RegExp])) { destination = new constructor(input.valueOf()); } // ImageData , File, Blob , FileList .. etc else if (isArray = S.isArray(input)) { destination = f ? S.filter(input, f) : input.concat(); } else if (isPlainObject = S.isPlainObject(input)) { destination = {}; } // Add a mapping from input (the source object) // to output (the destination object) to memory. // 做标记 input[CLONE_MARKER] = (stamp = S.guid()); // 存储源对象以及克隆后的对象 memory[stamp] = {destination:destination, input:input}; } // If input is an Array object or an Object object, // then, for each enumerable property in input, // add a new property to output having the same name, // and having a value created from invoking the internal structured cloning algorithm recursively // with the value of the property as the "input" argument and memory as the "memory" argument. // The order of the properties in the input and output objects must be the same. // clone it if (isArray) { for (var i = 0; i < destination.length; i++) { destination[i] = cloneInternal(destination[i], f, memory); } } else if (isPlainObject) { for (k in input) { if (input.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (k !== CLONE_MARKER && (!f || (f.call(input, input[k], k, input) !== FALSE))) { destination[k] = cloneInternal(input[k], f, memory); } } } } return destination; } function compareObjects(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { // 两个比较过了,无需再比较,防止循环比较 if (a[COMPARE_MARKER] === b && b[COMPARE_MARKER] === a) { return TRUE; } a[COMPARE_MARKER] = b; b[COMPARE_MARKER] = a; var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) { return (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) && obj[keyName] !== undefined; }; for (var property in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) { mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual."); } } } for (property in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) { mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual."); } } } for (property in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (property == COMPARE_MARKER) { continue; } if (!S.equals(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) { mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? (b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? (a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual."); } } } if (S.isArray(a) && S.isArray(b) && a.length != b.length) { mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length"); } delete a[COMPARE_MARKER]; delete b[COMPARE_MARKER]; return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0); } })(KISSY, undefined); /** * setup data structure for kissy loader * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S){ if("require" in this) { return; } S.__loader={}; S.__loaderUtils={}; S.__loaderData={}; })(KISSY);/** * map mechanism * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader) { if ("require" in this) { return; } /** * modify current module path * @param rules * @example * [ * [/(.+-)min(.js(\?t=\d+)?)$/,"$1$2"], * [/(.+-)min(.js(\?t=\d+)?)$/,function(_,m1,m2){ * return m1+m2; * }] * ] */ S.configs.map = function (rules) { S.Config.mappedRules = (S.Config.mappedRules || []).concat(rules); }; S.mix(loader, { __getMappedPath:function (path) { var __mappedRules = S.Config.mappedRules || []; for (var i = 0; i < __mappedRules.length; i++) { var m, rule = __mappedRules[i]; if (m = path.match(rule[0])) { return path.replace(rule[0], rule[1]); } } return path; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/** * combine mechanism * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var combines; /** * compress 'from module' to 'to module' * { * core:['dom','ua','event','node','json','ajax','anim','base','cookie'] * } */ combines = S.configs.combines = function (from, to) { var cs; if (S.isObject(from)) { S.each(from, function (v, k) { S.each(v, function (v2) { combines(v2, k); }); }); return; } cs = S.Config.combines = S.Config.combines || {}; if (to) { cs[from] = to; } else { return cs[from] || from; } }; S.mix(loader, { __getCombinedMod:function (modName) { var cs; cs = S.Config.combines = S.Config.combines || {}; return cs[modName] || modName; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/** * status constants * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } // 脚本(loadQueue)/模块(mod) 公用状态 S.mix(data, { "INIT":0, "LOADING" : 1, "LOADED" : 2, "ERROR" : 3, // 模块特有 "ATTACHED" : 4 }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderData);/** * utils for kissy loader * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, loader, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var ua = navigator.userAgent,doc = document; S.mix(utils, { docHead:function() { return doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || doc.documentElement; }, isWebKit:!!ua.match(/AppleWebKit/), IE : !!ua.match(/MSIE/), isCss:function(url) { return /\.css(?:\?|$)/i.test(url); }, isLinkNode:function(n) { return n.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'link'; }, /** * resolve relative part of path * x/../y/z -> y/z * x/./y/z -> x/y/z * @param path uri path * @return {string} resolved path * @description similar to path.normalize in nodejs */ normalizePath:function(path) { var paths = path.split("/"), re = [], p; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { p = paths[i]; if (p == ".") { } else if (p == "..") { re.pop(); } else { re.push(p); } } return re.join("/"); }, /** * 根据当前模块以及依赖模块的相对路径,得到依赖模块的绝对路径 * @param moduleName 当前模块 * @param depName 依赖模块 * @return {string|Array} 依赖模块的绝对路径 * @description similar to path.resolve in nodejs */ normalDepModuleName:function normalDepModuleName(moduleName, depName) { if (!depName) { return depName; } if (S.isArray(depName)) { for (var i = 0; i < depName.length; i++) { depName[i] = normalDepModuleName(moduleName, depName[i]); } return depName; } if (startsWith(depName, "../") || startsWith(depName, "./")) { var anchor = "",index; // x/y/z -> x/y/ if ((index = moduleName.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) { anchor = moduleName.substring(0, index + 1); } return normalizePath(anchor + depName); } else if (depName.indexOf("./") != -1 || depName.indexOf("../") != -1) { return normalizePath(depName); } else { return depName; } }, //去除后缀名,要考虑时间戳? removePostfix:function (path) { return path.replace(/(-min)?\.js[^/]*$/i, ""); }, /** * 路径正则化,不能是相对地址 * 相对地址则转换成相对页面的绝对地址 * 用途: * package path 相对地址则相对于当前页面获取绝对地址 */ normalBasePath:function (path) { path = S.trim(path); // path 为空时,不能变成 "/" if (path && path.charAt(path.length - 1) != '/') { path += "/"; } /** * 一定要正则化,防止出现 ../ 等相对路径 * 考虑本地路径 */ if (!path.match(/^(http(s)?)|(file):/i) && !startsWith(path, "/")) { path = loader.__pagePath + path; } return normalizePath(path); }, /** * 相对路径文件名转换为绝对路径 * @param path */ absoluteFilePath:function(path) { path = utils.normalBasePath(path); return path.substring(0, path.length - 1); }, //http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Packages/Mappings/A //如果模块名以 / 结尾,自动加 index indexMapping:function (names) { for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i].match(/\/$/)) { names[i] += "index"; } } return names; } }); var startsWith = S.startsWith,normalizePath = utils.normalizePath; })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * script/css load across browser * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var CSS_POLL_INTERVAL = 30, /** * central poll for link node */ timer = 0, monitors = { /** * node.id:[callback] */ }; function startCssTimer() { if (!timer) { S.log("start css polling"); cssPoll(); } } // single thread is ok function cssPoll() { for (var url in monitors) { var callbacks = monitors[url], node = callbacks.node, loaded = 0; if (utils.isWebKit) { if (node['sheet']) { S.log("webkit loaded : " + url); loaded = 1; } } else if (node['sheet']) { try { var cssRules; if (cssRules = node['sheet'].cssRules) { S.log('firefox ' + cssRules + ' loaded : ' + url); loaded = 1; } } catch(ex) { // S.log('firefox ' + ex.name + ' ' + ex.code + ' ' + url); // if (ex.name === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR') { if (ex.code === 1000) { S.log('firefox ' + ex.name + ' loaded : ' + url); loaded = 1; } } } if (loaded) { for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i].call(node); } delete monitors[url]; } } if (S.isEmptyObject(monitors)) { timer = 0; S.log("end css polling"); } else { timer = setTimeout(cssPoll, CSS_POLL_INTERVAL); } } S.mix(utils, { scriptOnload:document.addEventListener ? function(node, callback) { if (utils.isLinkNode(node)) { return utils.styleOnload(node, callback); } node.addEventListener('load', callback, false); } : function(node, callback) { if (utils.isLinkNode(node)) { return utils.styleOnload(node, callback); } var oldCallback = node.onreadystatechange; node.onreadystatechange = function() { var rs = node.readyState; if (/loaded|complete/i.test(rs)) { node.onreadystatechange = null; oldCallback && oldCallback(); callback.call(this); } }; }, /** * monitor css onload across browsers * 暂时不考虑如何判断失败,如 404 等 * @refer * - firefox 不可行(结论4错误): * - http://yearofmoo.com/2011/03/cross-browser-stylesheet-preloading/ * - 全浏览器兼容 * - http://lifesinger.org/lab/2011/load-js-css/css-preload.html * - 其他 * - http://www.zachleat.com/web/load-css-dynamically/ */ styleOnload:window.attachEvent ? // ie/opera function(node, callback) { // whether to detach using function wrapper? function t() { node.detachEvent('onload', t); S.log('ie/opera loaded : ' + node.href); callback.call(node); } node.attachEvent('onload', t); } : // refer : http://lifesinger.org/lab/2011/load-js-css/css-preload.html // 暂时不考虑如何判断失败,如 404 等 function(node, callback) { var href = node.href,arr; arr = monitors[href] = monitors[href] || []; arr.node = node; arr.push(callback); startCssTimer(); } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * getScript support for css and js callback after load * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var MILLISECONDS_OF_SECOND = 1000, scriptOnload = utils.scriptOnload; S.mix(S, { /** * load a css file from server using http get ,after css file load ,execute success callback * @param url css file url * @param success callback * @param charset */ getStyle:function(url, success, charset) { var doc = document, head = utils.docHead(), node = doc.createElement('link'), config = success; if (S.isPlainObject(config)) { success = config.success; charset = config.charset; } node.href = url; node.rel = 'stylesheet'; if (charset) { node.charset = charset; } if (success) { utils.scriptOnload(node, success); } head.appendChild(node); return node; }, /** * Load a JavaScript/Css file from the server using a GET HTTP request, then execute it. * * getScript(url, success, charset); * or * getScript(url, { * charset: string * success: fn, * error: fn, * timeout: number * }); * */ getScript:function(url, success, charset) { if (utils.isCss(url)) { return S.getStyle(url, success, charset); } var doc = document, head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], node = doc.createElement('script'), config = success, error, timeout, timer; if (S.isPlainObject(config)) { success = config.success; error = config.error; timeout = config.timeout; charset = config.charset; } function clearTimer() { if (timer) { timer.cancel(); timer = undefined; } } node.src = url; node.async = true; if (charset) { node.charset = charset; } if (success || error) { scriptOnload(node, function() { clearTimer(); S.isFunction(success) && success.call(node); }); if (S.isFunction(error)) { //标准浏览器 if (doc.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener("error", function() { clearTimer(); error.call(node); }, false); } timer = S.later(function() { timer = undefined; error(); }, (timeout || this.Config.timeout) * MILLISECONDS_OF_SECOND); } } head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild); return node; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * add module definition * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com */ (function(S, loader, utils, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var IE = utils.IE, ATTACHED = data.ATTACHED, mix = S.mix; mix(loader, { /** * Registers a module. * @param name {String} module name * @param def {Function|Object} entry point into the module that is used to bind module to KISSY * @param config {Object} * * KISSY.add('module-name', function(S){ }, {requires: ['mod1']}); * * * KISSY.add({ * 'mod-name': { * fullpath: 'url', * requires: ['mod1','mod2'] * } * }); * * @return {KISSY} */ add: function(name, def, config) { var self = this, mods = self.Env.mods, o; // S.add(name, config) => S.add( { name: config } ) if (S.isString(name) && !config && S.isPlainObject(def)) { o = {}; o[name] = def; name = o; } // S.add( { name: config } ) if (S.isPlainObject(name)) { S.each(name, function(v, k) { v.name = k; if (mods[k]) { // 保留之前添加的配置 mix(v, mods[k], false); } }); mix(mods, name); return self; } // S.add(name[, fn[, config]]) if (S.isString(name)) { var host; if (config && ( host = config.host )) { var hostMod = mods[host]; if (!hostMod) { S.log("module " + host + " can not be found !", "error"); //S.error("module " + host + " can not be found !"); return self; } if (self.__isAttached(host)) { def.call(self, self); } else { //该 host 模块纯虚! hostMod.fns = hostMod.fns || []; hostMod.fns.push(def); } return self; } self.__registerModule(name, def, config); //显示指定 add 不 attach if (config && config['attach'] === false) { return self; } // 和 1.1.7 以前版本保持兼容,不得已而为之 var mod = mods[name]; var requires = utils.normalDepModuleName(name, mod.requires); if (self.__isAttached(requires)) { //S.log(mod.name + " is attached when add !"); self.__attachMod(mod); } //调试用,为什么不在 add 时 attach else if (this.Config.debug && !mod) { var i,modNames; i = (modNames = S.makeArray(requires)).length - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { var requireName = modNames[i]; var requireMod = mods[requireName] || {}; if (requireMod.status !== ATTACHED) { S.log(mod.name + " not attached when added : depends " + requireName); } } } return self; } // S.add(fn,config); if (S.isFunction(name)) { config = def; def = name; if (IE) { /* Kris Zyp 2010年10月21日, 上午11时34分 We actually had some discussions off-list, as it turns out the required technique is a little different than described in this thread. Briefly, to identify anonymous modules from scripts: * In non-IE browsers, the onload event is sufficient, it always fires immediately after the script is executed. * In IE, if the script is in the cache, it actually executes *during* the DOM insertion of the script tag, so you can keep track of which script is being requested in case define() is called during the DOM insertion. * In IE, if the script is not in the cache, when define() is called you can iterate through the script tags and the currently executing one will have a script.readyState == "interactive" See RequireJS source code if you need more hints. Anyway, the bottom line from a spec perspective is that it is implemented, it works, and it is possible. Hope that helps. Kris */ // http://groups.google.com/group/commonjs/browse_thread/thread/5a3358ece35e688e/43145ceccfb1dc02#43145ceccfb1dc02 // use onload to get module name is not right in ie name = self.__findModuleNameByInteractive(); S.log("old_ie get modname by interactive : " + name); self.__registerModule(name, def, config); self.__startLoadModuleName = null; self.__startLoadTime = 0; } else { // 其他浏览器 onload 时,关联模块名与模块定义 self.__currentModule = { def:def, config:config }; } return self; } S.log("invalid format for KISSY.add !", "error"); return self; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData); /** * @refer * - https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD **//** * build full path from relative path and base path * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader, utils, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } S.mix(loader, { __buildPath:function (mod, base) { var self = this, Config = self.Config; base = base || Config.base; build("fullpath", "path"); if (mod["cssfullpath"] !== data.LOADED) { build("cssfullpath", "csspath"); } function build(fullpath, path) { if (!mod[fullpath] && mod[path]) { //如果是 ./ 或 ../ 则相对当前模块路径 mod[path] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, mod[path]); mod[fullpath] = base + mod[path]; } // debug 模式下,加载非 min 版 if (mod[fullpath] && Config.debug) { mod[fullpath] = mod[fullpath].replace(/-min/ig, ""); } //刷新客户端缓存,加时间戳 tag if (mod[fullpath] && !(mod[fullpath].match(/\?t=/)) && mod.tag) { mod[fullpath] += "?t=" + mod.tag; } if (mod[fullpath]) { mod[fullpath] = self.__getMappedPath(mod[fullpath]); } } } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/** * logic for config.global , mainly for kissy.editor * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, loader) { if ("require" in this) { return; } S.mix(loader, { // 按需从 global 迁移模块定义到当前 loader 实例,并根据 global 设置 fullpath __mixMod: function(name, global) { // 从 __mixMods 调用过来时,可能本实例没有该模块的数据结构 var self = this, mods = self.Env.mods, gMods = global.Env.mods, mod = mods[name] || {}, status = mod.status; if (gMods[name]) { S.mix(mod, S.clone(gMods[name])); // status 属于实例,当有值时,不能被覆盖。 // 1. 只有没有初始值时,才从 global 上继承 // 2. 初始值为 0 时,也从 global 上继承 // 其他都保存自己的状态 if (status) { mod.status = status; } } // 来自 global 的 mod, path 也应该基于 global self.__buildPath(mod, global.Config.base); mods[name] = mod; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/** * for ie ,find current executive script ,then infer module name * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } S.mix(loader, { //ie 特有,找到当前正在交互的脚本,根据脚本名确定模块名 // 如果找不到,返回发送前那个脚本 __findModuleNameByInteractive:function () { var self = this, scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), re, script; for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (script.readyState == "interactive") { re = script; break; } } if (!re) { // sometimes when read module file from cache , interactive status is not triggered // module code is executed right after inserting into dom // i has to preserve module name before insert module script into dom , then get it back here S.log("can not find interactive script,time diff : " + (+new Date() - self.__startLoadTime), "error"); S.log("old_ie get modname from cache : " + self.__startLoadModuleName); return self.__startLoadModuleName; //S.error("找不到 interactive 状态的 script"); } // src 必定是绝对路径 // or re.hasAttribute ? re.src : re.getAttribute('src', 4); // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429(VS.85).aspx var src = utils.absoluteFilePath(re.src); // S.log("interactive src :" + src); // 注意:模块名不包含后缀名以及参数,所以去除 // 系统模块去除系统路径 // 需要 base norm , 防止 base 被指定为相对路径 self.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(self.Config.base); if (src.lastIndexOf(self.Config.base, 0) === 0) { return utils.removePostfix(src.substring(self.Config.base.length)); } var packages = self.Config.packages; //外部模块去除包路径,得到模块名 for (var p in packages) { if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p)) { var p_path = packages[p].path; if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p) && src.lastIndexOf(p_path, 0) === 0) { return utils.removePostfix(src.substring(p_path.length)); } } } S.log("interactive script does not have package config :" + src, "error"); } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * load a single mod (js or css) * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function(S, loader, utils, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var IE = utils.IE, LOADING = data.LOADING, LOADED = data.LOADED, ERROR = data.ERROR, ATTACHED = data.ATTACHED; S.mix(loader, { /** * Load a single module. */ __load: function(mod, callback, cfg) { var self = this, url = mod['fullpath'], isCss = utils.isCss(url), // 这个是全局的,防止多实例对同一模块的重复下载 loadQueque = S.Env._loadQueue, status = loadQueque[url], node = status; mod.status = mod.status || 0; // 可能已经由其它模块触发加载 if (mod.status < LOADING && status) { // 该模块是否已经载入到 global ? mod.status = status === LOADED ? LOADED : LOADING; } // 1.20 兼容 1.1x 处理:加载 cssfullpath 配置的 css 文件 // 仅发出请求,不做任何其它处理 if (S.isString(mod["cssfullpath"])) { S.getScript(mod["cssfullpath"]); mod["cssfullpath"] = mod.csspath = LOADED; } if (mod.status < LOADING && url) { mod.status = LOADING; if (IE && !isCss) { self.__startLoadModuleName = mod.name; self.__startLoadTime = Number(+new Date()); } node = S.getScript(url, { success: function() { if (isCss) { } else { //载入 css 不需要这步了 //标准浏览器下:外部脚本执行后立即触发该脚本的 load 事件,ie9 还是不行 if (self.__currentModule) { S.log("standard browser get modname after load : " + mod.name); self.__registerModule(mod.name, self.__currentModule.def, self.__currentModule.config); self.__currentModule = null; } // 模块载入后,如果需要也要混入对应 global 上模块定义 mixGlobal(); if (mod.fns && mod.fns.length > 0) { } else { _modError(); } } if (mod.status != ERROR) { S.log(mod.name + ' is loaded.', 'info'); } _scriptOnComplete(); }, error: function() { _modError(); _scriptOnComplete(); }, charset: mod.charset }); loadQueque[url] = node; } // 已经在加载中,需要添加回调到 script onload 中 // 注意:没有考虑 error 情形 else if (mod.status === LOADING) { utils.scriptOnload(node, function() { // 模块载入后,如果需要也要混入对应 global 上模块定义 mixGlobal(); _scriptOnComplete(); }); } // 是内嵌代码,或者已经 loaded else { // 也要混入对应 global 上模块定义 mixGlobal(); callback(); } function _modError() { S.log(mod.name + ' is not loaded! can not find module in path : ' + mod['fullpath'], 'error'); mod.status = ERROR; } function mixGlobal() { // 对于动态下载下来的模块,loaded 后,global 上有可能更新 mods 信息 // 需要同步到 instance 上去 // 注意:要求 mod 对应的文件里,仅修改该 mod 信息 if (cfg.global) { self.__mixMod(mod.name, cfg.global); } } function _scriptOnComplete() { loadQueque[url] = LOADED; if (mod.status !== ERROR) { // 注意:当多个模块依赖同一个下载中的模块A下,模块A仅需 attach 一次 // 因此要加上下面的 !== 判断,否则会出现重复 attach, // 比如编辑器里动态加载时,被依赖的模块会重复 if (mod.status !== ATTACHED) { mod.status = LOADED; } callback(); } } } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/** * @module loader * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com,lijing00333@163.com * @description: constant member and common method holder */ (function(S, loader, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var ATTACHED = data.ATTACHED, mix = S.mix; mix(loader, { // 当前页面所在的目录 // http://xx.com/y/z.htm#!/f/g // -> // http://xx.com/y/ __pagePath:location.href.replace(location.hash, "").replace(/[^/]*$/i, ""), //firefox,ie9,chrome 如果add没有模块名,模块定义先暂存这里 __currentModule:null, //ie6,7,8开始载入脚本的时间 __startLoadTime:0, //ie6,7,8开始载入脚本对应的模块名 __startLoadModuleName:null, __isAttached: function(modNames) { var mods = this.Env.mods, ret = true; S.each(modNames, function(name) { var mod = mods[name]; if (!mod || mod.status !== ATTACHED) { ret = false; return ret; } }); return ret; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderData); /** * 2011-01-04 chengyu refactor: * * adopt requirejs : * * 1. packages(cfg) , cfg :{ * name : 包名,用于指定业务模块前缀 * path: 前缀包名对应的路径 * charset: 该包下所有文件的编码 * * 2. add(moduleName,function(S,depModule){return function(){}},{requires:["depModuleName"]}); * moduleName add 时可以不写 * depModuleName 可以写相对地址 (./ , ../),相对于 moduleName * * 3. S.use(["dom"],function(S,DOM){ * }); * 依赖注入,发生于 add 和 use 时期 * * 4. add,use 不支持 css loader ,getScript 仍然保留支持 * * 5. 部分更新模块文件代码 x/y?t=2011 ,加载过程中注意去除事件戳,仅在载入文件时使用 * * demo : http://lite-ext.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lite-ext/playground/module_package/index.html * * 2011-03-01 yiminghe@gmail.com note: * * compatibility * * 1. 保持兼容性,不得已而为之 * 支持 { host : } * 如果 requires 都已经 attached,支持 add 后立即 attach * 支持 { attach : false } 显示控制 add 时是否 attach * 支持 { global : Editor } 指明模块来源 * * * 2011-05-04 初步拆分文件,tmd 乱了 */ /** * package mechanism * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } /** * 包声明 * biz -> . * 表示遇到 biz/x * 在当前网页路径找 biz/x.js */ S.configs.packages = function (cfgs) { var ps; ps = S.Config.packages = S.Config.packages || {}; S.each(cfgs, function (cfg) { ps[cfg.name] = cfg; //注意正则化 cfg.path = cfg.path && utils.normalBasePath(cfg.path); cfg.tag = cfg.tag && encodeURIComponent(cfg.tag); }); }; S.mix(loader, { __getPackagePath:function (mod) { //缓存包路径,未申明的包的模块都到核心模块中找 if (mod.packagepath) { return mod.packagepath; } var self = this, //一个模块合并到了另一个模块文件中去 modName = S.__getCombinedMod(mod.name), packages = self.Config.packages || {}, pName = "", p_def; for (var p in packages) { if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (S.startsWith(modName, p) && p.length > pName) { pName = p; } } } p_def = packages[pName]; mod.charset = p_def && p_def.charset || mod.charset; if (p_def) { mod.tag = p_def.tag; } else { // kissy 自身组件的事件戳后缀 mod.tag = encodeURIComponent(S.Config.tag || S.buildTime); } return mod.packagepath = (p_def && p_def.path) || self.Config.base; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * register module ,associate module name with module factory(definition) * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com */ (function(S, loader,data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var LOADED = data.LOADED, mix = S.mix; mix(loader, { //注册模块,将模块和定义 factory 关联起来 __registerModule:function(name, def, config) { config = config || {}; var self = this, mods = self.Env.mods, mod = mods[name] || {}; // 注意:通过 S.add(name[, fn[, config]]) 注册的代码,无论是页面中的代码, // 还是 js 文件里的代码,add 执行时,都意味着该模块已经 LOADED mix(mod, { name: name, status: LOADED }); if (mod.fns && mod.fns.length) { S.log(name + " is defined more than once"); //S.error(name + " is defined more than once"); } //支持 host,一个模块多个 add factory mod.fns = mod.fns || []; mod.fns.push(def); mix((mods[name] = mod), config); } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderData);/** * use and attach mod * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader, utils, data) { if ("require" in this) { return; } var LOADED = data.LOADED, ATTACHED = data.ATTACHED; S.mix(loader, { /** * Start load specific mods, and fire callback when these mods and requires are attached. * * S.use('mod-name', callback, config); * S.use('mod1,mod2', callback, config); * */ use:function (modNames, callback, cfg) { modNames = modNames.replace(/\s+/g, "").split(','); utils.indexMapping(modNames); cfg = cfg || {}; var self = this, fired; // 已经全部 attached, 直接执行回调即可 if (self.__isAttached(modNames)) { var mods = self.__getModules(modNames); callback && callback.apply(self, mods); return; } // 有尚未 attached 的模块 S.each(modNames, function (modName) { // 从 name 开始调用,防止不存在模块 self.__attachModByName(modName, function () { if (!fired && self.__isAttached(modNames)) { fired = true; var mods = self.__getModules(modNames); callback && callback.apply(self, mods); } }, cfg); }); return self; }, __getModules:function (modNames) { var self = this, mods = [self]; S.each(modNames, function (modName) { if (!utils.isCss(modName)) { mods.push(self.require(modName)); } }); return mods; }, /** * get module's value defined by define function * @param {string} moduleName */ require:function (moduleName) { var self = this, mods = self.Env.mods, mod = mods[moduleName], re = self['onRequire'] && self['onRequire'](mod); if (re !== undefined) { return re; } return mod && mod.value; }, // 加载指定模块名模块,如果不存在定义默认定义为内部模块 __attachModByName:function (modName, callback, cfg) { var self = this, mods = self.Env.mods; var mod = mods[modName]; //没有模块定义 if (!mod) { // 默认 js/css 名字 // 不指定 .js 默认为 js // 指定为 css 载入 .css var componentJsName = self.Config['componentJsName'] || function (m) { var suffix = "js", match; if (match = m.match(/(.+)\.(js|css)$/i)) { suffix = match[2]; m = match[1]; } return m + '-min.' + suffix; }, path = componentJsName(S.__getCombinedMod(modName)); mod = { path:path, charset:'utf-8' }; //添加模块定义 mods[modName] = mod; } mod.name = modName; if (mod && mod.status === ATTACHED) { return; } // 先从 global 里取 if (cfg.global) { self.__mixMod(modName, cfg.global); } self.__attach(mod, callback, cfg); }, /** * Attach a module and all required modules. */ __attach:function (mod, callback, cfg) { var self = this, r, rMod, i, attached = 0, mods = self.Env.mods, //复制一份当前的依赖项出来,防止 add 后修改! requires = (mod['requires'] || []).concat(); mod['requires'] = requires; /** * check cyclic dependency between mods */ function cyclicCheck() { var __allRequires, myName = mod.name, r, r2, rmod, r__allRequires, requires = mod.requires; // one mod's all requires mods to run its callback __allRequires = mod.__allRequires = mod.__allRequires || {}; for (var i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) { r = requires[i]; rmod = mods[r]; __allRequires[r] = 1; if (rmod && (r__allRequires = rmod.__allRequires)) { for (r2 in r__allRequires) { if (r__allRequires.hasOwnProperty(r2)) { __allRequires[r2] = 1; } } } } if (__allRequires[myName]) { var t = []; for (r in __allRequires) { if (__allRequires.hasOwnProperty(r)) { t.push(r); } } S.error("find cyclic dependency by mod " + myName + " between mods : " + t.join(",")); } } if (S.Config.debug) { cyclicCheck(); } // attach all required modules for (i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) { r = requires[i] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, requires[i]); rMod = mods[r]; if (rMod && rMod.status === ATTACHED) { //no need } else { self.__attachModByName(r, fn, cfg); } } // load and attach this module self.__buildPath(mod, self.__getPackagePath(mod)); self.__load(mod, function () { // add 可能改了 config,这里重新取下 mod['requires'] = mod['requires'] || []; var newRequires = mod['requires'], needToLoad = []; //本模块下载成功后串行下载 require for (i = 0; i < newRequires.length; i++) { r = newRequires[i] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, newRequires[i]); var rMod = mods[r], inA = S.inArray(r, requires); //已经处理过了或将要处理 if (rMod && rMod.status === ATTACHED //已经正在处理了 || inA) { //no need } else { //新增的依赖项 needToLoad.push(r); } } if (needToLoad.length) { for (i = 0; i < needToLoad.length; i++) { self.__attachModByName(needToLoad[i], fn, cfg); } } else { fn(); } }, cfg); function fn() { if (!attached && self.__isAttached(mod['requires'])) { if (mod.status === LOADED) { self.__attachMod(mod); } if (mod.status === ATTACHED) { attached = 1; callback(); } } } }, __attachMod:function (mod) { var self = this, fns = mod.fns; if (fns) { S.each(fns, function (fn) { var value; if (S.isFunction(fn)) { value = fn.apply(self, self.__getModules(mod['requires'])); } else { value = fn; } mod.value = mod.value || value; }); } mod.status = ATTACHED; } }); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/** * mix loader into S and infer KISSy baseUrl if not set * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S, loader, utils) { if ("require" in this) { return; } S.mix(S, loader); /** * get base from src * @param src script source url * @return base for kissy * @example: * http://a.tbcdn.cn/s/kissy/1.1.6/??kissy-min.js,suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js * http://a.tbcdn.cn/??s/kissy/1.1.6/kissy-min.js,s/kissy/1.1.5/suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js * http://a.tbcdn.cn/??s/kissy/1.1.6/suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js,s/kissy/1.1.5/kissy-min.js * http://a.tbcdn.cn/s/kissy/1.1.6/kissy-min.js?t=20101215.js * @notice: custom combo rules, such as yui3: * */ // notice: timestamp var baseReg = /^(.*)(seed|kissy)(-aio)?(-min)?\.js[^/]*/i, baseTestReg = /(seed|kissy)(-aio)?(-min)?\.js/i; function getBaseUrl(script) { var src = utils.absoluteFilePath(script.src), prefix = script.getAttribute('data-combo-prefix') || '??', sep = script.getAttribute('data-combo-sep') || ',', parts = src.split(sep), base, part0 = parts[0], index = part0.indexOf(prefix); // no combo if (index == -1) { base = src.replace(baseReg, '$1'); } else { base = part0.substring(0, index); var part01 = part0.substring(index + 2, part0.length); // combo first // notice use match better than test if (part01.match(baseTestReg)) { base += part01.replace(baseReg, '$1'); } // combo after first else { S.each(parts, function (part) { if (part.match(baseTestReg)) { base += part.replace(baseReg, '$1'); return false; } }); } } return base; } /** * Initializes loader. */ S.__initLoader = function () { var self = this; self.Env.mods = self.Env.mods || {}; // all added mods }; S.Env._loadQueue = {}; // information for loading and loaded mods S.__initLoader(); (function () { // get base from current script file path var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), currentScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1], base = getBaseUrl(currentScript); S.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(base); // the default timeout for getScript S.Config.timeout = 10; })(); S.mix(S.configs, { base:function (base) { S.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(base); }, timeout:function (v) { S.Config.timeout = v; }, debug:function (v) { S.Config.debug = v; } }); // for S.app working properly S.each(loader, function (v, k) { S.__APP_MEMBERS.push(k); }); S.__APP_INIT_METHODS.push('__initLoader'); })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/** * @module web.js * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com * @description this code can only run at browser environment */ (function(S, undefined) { var win = S.__HOST, doc = win['document'], docElem = doc.documentElement, EMPTY = '', // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. isReady = false, // The functions to execute on DOM ready. readyList = [], // The number of poll times. POLL_RETRYS = 500, // The poll interval in milliseconds. POLL_INTERVAL = 40, // #id or id RE_IDSTR = /^#?([\w-]+)$/, RE_NOT_WHITE = /\S/; S.mix(S, { /** * A crude way of determining if an object is a window */ isWindow: function(o) { return S.type(o) === 'object' && 'setInterval' in o && 'document' in o && o.document.nodeType == 9; }, parseXML: function(data) { var xml; try { // Standard if (window.DOMParser) { xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml"); } else { // IE xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xml.async = "false"; xml.loadXML(data); } } catch(e) { S.log("parseXML error : "); S.log(e); xml = undefined; } if (!xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) { S.error("Invalid XML: " + data); } return xml; }, /** * Evalulates a script in a global context. */ globalEval: function(data) { if (data && RE_NOT_WHITE.test(data)) { // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context ( window.execScript || function(data) { window[ "eval" ].call(window, data); } )(data); } }, /** * Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded. * @param fn {Function} A function to execute after the DOM is ready * * KISSY.ready(function(S){ }); * * @return {KISSY} */ ready: function(fn) { // If the DOM is already ready if (isReady) { // Execute the function immediately fn.call(win, this); } else { // Remember the function for later readyList.push(fn); } return this; }, /** * Executes the supplied callback when the item with the supplied id is found. * @param id The id of the element, or an array of ids to look for. * @param fn What to execute when the element is found. */ available: function(id, fn) { id = (id + EMPTY).match(RE_IDSTR)[1]; if (!id || !S.isFunction(fn)) { return; } var retryCount = 1, node, timer = S.later(function() { if ((node = doc.getElementById(id)) && (fn(node) || 1) || ++retryCount > POLL_RETRYS) { timer.cancel(); } }, POLL_INTERVAL, true); } }); /** * Binds ready events. */ function _bindReady() { var doScroll = docElem.doScroll, eventType = doScroll ? 'onreadystatechange' : 'DOMContentLoaded', COMPLETE = 'complete', fire = function() { _fireReady(); }; // Catch cases where ready() is called after the // browser event has already occurred. if (doc.readyState === COMPLETE) { return fire(); } // w3c mode if (doc.addEventListener) { function domReady() { doc.removeEventListener(eventType, domReady, false); fire(); } doc.addEventListener(eventType, domReady, false); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work win.addEventListener('load', fire, false); } // IE event model is used else { function stateChange() { if (doc.readyState === COMPLETE) { doc.detachEvent(eventType, stateChange); fire(); } } // ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes doc.attachEvent(eventType, stateChange); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work. win.attachEvent('onload', fire); // If IE and not a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready var notframe = false; try { notframe = (win['frameElement'] === null); } catch(e) { S.log("frameElement error : "); S.log(e); } if (doScroll && notframe) { function readyScroll() { try { // Ref: http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ doScroll('left'); fire(); } catch(ex) { //S.log("detect document ready : " + ex); setTimeout(readyScroll, POLL_INTERVAL); } } readyScroll(); } } return 0; } /** * Executes functions bound to ready event. */ function _fireReady() { if (isReady) { return; } // Remember that the DOM is ready isReady = true; // If there are functions bound, to execute if (readyList) { // Execute all of them var fn, i = 0; while (fn = readyList[i++]) { fn.call(win, S); } // Reset the list of functions readyList = null; } } // If url contains '?ks-debug', debug mode will turn on automatically. if (location && (location.search || EMPTY).indexOf('ks-debug') !== -1) { S.Config.debug = true; } /** * bind on start * in case when you bind but the DOMContentLoaded has triggered * then you has to wait onload * worst case no callback at all */ _bindReady(); })(KISSY, undefined); /** * 声明 kissy 核心中所包含的模块,动态加载时将直接从 core.js 中加载核心模块 * @description: 为了和 1.1.7 及以前版本保持兼容,务实与创新,兼容与革新 ! * @author yiminghe@gmail.com */ (function (S) { S.config({ 'combines':{ 'core':['dom', 'ua', 'event', 'node', 'json', 'ajax', 'anim', 'base', 'cookie'] } }); })(KISSY); /** combined files : D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua\extra.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\attr.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\class.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\create.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\data.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\insertion.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\offset.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\style.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\selector.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\style-ie.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\traversal.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\keycodes.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\object.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\utils.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\target.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\focusin.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\hashchange.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\valuechange.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\delegate.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\mouseenter.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\submit.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\change.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\mousewheel.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\attach.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\override.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\easing.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\manager.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\fx.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\queue.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\color.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\anim.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\json\json2.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\json.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\form-serializer.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhrobject.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhrbase.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\subdomain.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xdr.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhr.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\script.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\jsonp.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\form.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\iframe-upload.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base\attribute.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\cookie\base.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\cookie.js D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\core.js **/ /** * @module ua * @author lifesinger@gmail.com */ KISSY.add('ua/base', function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent, EMPTY = '', MOBILE = 'mobile', core = EMPTY, shell = EMPTY, m, IE_DETECT_RANGE = [6, 9], v, end, VERSION_PLACEHOLDER = '{{version}}', IE_DETECT_TPL = '', div = document.createElement('div'), s, o = { // browser core type //webkit: 0, //trident: 0, //gecko: 0, //presto: 0, // browser type //chrome: 0, //safari: 0, //firefox: 0, //ie: 0, //opera: 0 //mobile: '', //core: '', //shell: '' }, numberify = function(s) { var c = 0; // convert '' to 1.234 return parseFloat(s.replace(/\./g, function() { return (c++ === 0) ? '.' : ''; })); }; // try to use IE-Conditional-Comment detect IE more accurately // IE10 doesn't support this method, @ref: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/07/06/html5-parsing-in-ie10.aspx div.innerHTML = IE_DETECT_TPL.replace(VERSION_PLACEHOLDER, ''); s = div.getElementsByTagName('s'); if (s.length > 0) { shell = 'ie'; o[core = 'trident'] = 0.1; // Trident detected, look for revision // Get the Trident's accurate version if ((m = ua.match(/Trident\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core] = numberify(m[1]); } // Detect the accurate version // 注意: // o.shell = ie, 表示外壳是 ie // 但 o.ie = 7, 并不代表外壳是 ie7, 还有可能是 ie8 的兼容模式 // 对于 ie8 的兼容模式,还要通过 documentMode 去判断。但此处不能让 o.ie = 8, 否则 // 很多脚本判断会失误。因为 ie8 的兼容模式表现行为和 ie7 相同,而不是和 ie8 相同 for (v = IE_DETECT_RANGE[0],end = IE_DETECT_RANGE[1]; v <= end; v++) { div.innerHTML = IE_DETECT_TPL.replace(VERSION_PLACEHOLDER, v); if (s.length > 0) { o[shell] = v; break; } } } else { // WebKit if ((m = ua.match(/AppleWebKit\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core = 'webkit'] = numberify(m[1]); // Chrome if ((m = ua.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[shell = 'chrome'] = numberify(m[1]); } // Safari else if ((m = ua.match(/\/([\d.]*) Safari/)) && m[1]) { o[shell = 'safari'] = numberify(m[1]); } // Apple Mobile if (/ Mobile\//.test(ua)) { o[MOBILE] = 'apple'; // iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch } // Other WebKit Mobile Browsers else if ((m = ua.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*|Android \d\.\d|webOS\/\d\.\d/))) { o[MOBILE] = m[0].toLowerCase(); // Nokia N-series, Android, webOS, ex: NokiaN95 } } // NOT WebKit else { // Presto // ref: http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php if ((m = ua.match(/Presto\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core = 'presto'] = numberify(m[1]); // Opera if ((m = ua.match(/Opera\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[shell = 'opera'] = numberify(m[1]); // Opera detected, look for revision if ((m = ua.match(/Opera\/.* Version\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[shell] = numberify(m[1]); } // Opera Mini if ((m = ua.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/)) && m) { o[MOBILE] = m[0].toLowerCase(); // ex: Opera Mini/2.0.4509/1316 } // Opera Mobile // ex: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; Opera Mobi/49; U; en) Presto/2.4.18 Version/10.00 // issue: 由于 Opera Mobile 有 Version/ 字段,可能会与 Opera 混淆,同时对于 Opera Mobile 的版本号也比较混乱 else if ((m = ua.match(/Opera Mobi[^;]*/)) && m) { o[MOBILE] = m[0]; } } // NOT WebKit or Presto } else { // MSIE // 由于最开始已经使用了 IE 条件注释判断,因此落到这里的唯一可能性只有 IE10+ if ((m = ua.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core = 'trident'] = 0.1; // Trident detected, look for revision o[shell = 'ie'] = numberify(m[1]); // Get the Trident's accurate version if ((m = ua.match(/Trident\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core] = numberify(m[1]); } // NOT WebKit, Presto or IE } else { // Gecko if ((m = ua.match(/Gecko/))) { o[core = 'gecko'] = 0.1; // Gecko detected, look for revision if ((m = ua.match(/rv:([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[core] = numberify(m[1]); } // Firefox if ((m = ua.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) { o[shell = 'firefox'] = numberify(m[1]); } } } } } } o.core = core; o.shell = shell; o._numberify = numberify; return o; }); /** * NOTES: * * 2011.11.08 * - ie < 10 使用条件注释判断内核,更精确 by gonghaocn@gmail.com * * 2010.03 * - jQuery, YUI 等类库都推荐用特性探测替代浏览器嗅探。特性探测的好处是能自动适应未来设备和未知设备,比如 * if(document.addEventListener) 假设 IE9 支持标准事件,则代码不用修改,就自适应了“未来浏览器”。 * 对于未知浏览器也是如此。但是,这并不意味着浏览器嗅探就得彻底抛弃。当代码很明确就是针对已知特定浏览器的, * 同时并非是某个特性探测可以解决时,用浏览器嗅探反而能带来代码的简洁,同时也也不会有什么后患。总之,一切 * 皆权衡。 * - UA.ie && UA.ie < 8 并不意味着浏览器就不是 IE8, 有可能是 IE8 的兼容模式。进一步的判断需要使用 documentMode. * * TODO: * - test mobile * - 3Q 大战后,360 去掉了 UA 信息中的 360 信息,需采用 res 方法去判断 * */ /** * @module ua-extra * @author gonghao */ KISSY.add('ua/extra', function(S, UA) { var ua = navigator.userAgent, m, external, shell, o = { }, numberify = UA._numberify; /** * 说明: * @子涯总结的各国产浏览器的判断依据: http://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tluod2VGe60_ceDrAaMrfMw&hl=zh_CN#gid=0 * 根据 CNZZ 2009 年度浏览器占用率报告,优化了判断顺序:http://www.tanmi360.com/post/230.htm * 如果检测出浏览器,但是具体版本号未知用 0.1 作为标识 * 世界之窗 & 360 浏览器,在 3.x 以下的版本都无法通过 UA 或者特性检测进行判断,所以目前只要检测到 UA 关键字就认为起版本号为 3 */ // 360Browser if (m = ua.match(/360SE/)) { o[shell = 'se360'] = 3; // issue: 360Browser 2.x cannot be recognised, so if recognised default set verstion number to 3 } // Maxthon else if ((m = ua.match(/Maxthon/)) && (external = window.external)) { // issue: Maxthon 3.x in IE-Core cannot be recognised and it doesn't have exact version number // but other maxthon versions all have exact version number shell = 'maxthon'; try { o[shell] = numberify(external['max_version']); } catch(ex) { o[shell] = 0.1; } } // TT else if (m = ua.match(/TencentTraveler\s([\d.]*)/)) { o[shell = 'tt'] = m[1] ? numberify(m[1]) : 0.1; } // TheWorld else if (m = ua.match(/TheWorld/)) { o[shell = 'theworld'] = 3; // issue: TheWorld 2.x cannot be recognised, so if recognised default set verstion number to 3 } // Sougou else if (m = ua.match(/SE\s([\d.]*)/)) { o[shell = 'sougou'] = m[1] ? numberify(m[1]) : 0.1; } // If the browser has shell(no matter IE-core or Webkit-core or others), set the shell key shell && (o.shell = shell); S.mix(UA, o); return UA; }, { requires:["ua/base"] }); KISSY.add("ua", function(S,UA) { return UA; }, { requires:["ua/extra"] }); /** * @module dom * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com */ KISSY.add('dom/base', function(S, UA, undefined) { function nodeTypeIs(node, val) { return node && node.nodeType === val; } var NODE_TYPE = { /** * enumeration of dom node type * @type Number */ ELEMENT_NODE : 1, "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" : 2, TEXT_NODE:3, "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" : 4, "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE": 5, "ENTITY_NODE" : 6, "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" :7, COMMENT_NODE : 8, DOCUMENT_NODE : 9, "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" : 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : 11, "NOTATION_NODE" : 12 }; var DOM = { _isCustomDomain :function (win) { win = win || window; var domain = win.document.domain, hostname = win.location.hostname; return domain != hostname && domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' ); // IPv6 IP support }, _genEmptyIframeSrc:function(win) { win = win || window; if (UA['ie'] && DOM._isCustomDomain(win)) { return 'javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent("" + "document.open();" + "document.domain='" + win.document.domain + "';" + "document.close();") + "}())"; } }, _NODE_TYPE:NODE_TYPE, /** * 是不是 element node */ _isElementNode: function(elem) { return nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.ELEMENT_NODE); }, /** * elem 为 window 时,直接返回 * elem 为 document 时,返回关联的 window * elem 为 undefined 时,返回当前 window * 其它值,返回 false */ _getWin: function(elem) { return (elem && ('scrollTo' in elem) && elem['document']) ? elem : nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.DOCUMENT_NODE) ? elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow : (elem === undefined || elem === null) ? window : false; }, _nodeTypeIs: nodeTypeIs, // Ref: http://lifesinger.github.com/lab/2010/nodelist.html _isNodeList:function(o) { // 注1:ie 下,有 window.item, typeof node.item 在 ie 不同版本下,返回值不同 // 注2:select 等元素也有 item, 要用 !node.nodeType 排除掉 // 注3:通过 namedItem 来判断不可靠 // 注4:getElementsByTagName 和 querySelectorAll 返回的集合不同 // 注5: 考虑 iframe.contentWindow return o && !o.nodeType && o.item && !o.setTimeout; }, _nodeName:function(e, name) { return e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); } }; S.mix(DOM, NODE_TYPE); return DOM; }, { requires:['ua'] }); /** * 2011-08 * - 添加键盘枚举值,方便依赖程序清晰 */ /** * @module dom-attr * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com */ KISSY.add('dom/attr', function(S, DOM, UA, undefined) { var doc = document, docElement = doc.documentElement, oldIE = !docElement.hasAttribute, TEXT = docElement.textContent === undefined ? 'innerText' : 'textContent', EMPTY = '', nodeName = DOM._nodeName, isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode, rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i, rinvalidChar = /:|^on/, rreturn = /\r/g, attrFix = { }, attrFn = { val: 1, css: 1, html: 1, text: 1, data: 1, width: 1, height: 1, offset: 1, scrollTop:1, scrollLeft:1 }, attrHooks = { // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ tabindex:{ get:function(el) { // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set var attributeNode = el.getAttributeNode("tabindex"); return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ? parseInt(attributeNode.value, 10) : rfocusable.test(el.nodeName) || rclickable.test(el.nodeName) && el.href ? 0 : undefined; } }, // 在标准浏览器下,用 getAttribute 获取 style 值 // IE7- 下,需要用 cssText 来获取 // 统一使用 cssText style:{ get:function(el) { return el.style.cssText; }, set:function(el, val) { el.style.cssText = val; } } }, propFix = { tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", "cellpadding": "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", "contenteditable": "contentEditable" }, // Hook for boolean attributes // if bool is false // - standard browser returns null // - ie<8 return false // - so norm to undefined boolHook = { get: function(elem, name) { // 转发到 prop 方法 return DOM.prop(elem, name) ? // 根据 w3c attribute , true 时返回属性名字符串 name.toLowerCase() : undefined; }, set: function(elem, value, name) { var propName; if (value === false) { // Remove boolean attributes when set to false DOM.removeAttr(elem, name); } else { // 直接设置 true,因为这是 bool 类属性 propName = propFix[ name ] || name; if (propName in elem) { // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element elem[ propName ] = true; } elem.setAttribute(name, name.toLowerCase()); } return name; } }, propHooks = {}, // get attribute value from attribute node , only for ie attrNodeHook = { }, valHooks = { option: { get: function(elem) { // 当没有设定 value 时,标准浏览器 option.value === option.text // ie7- 下,没有设定 value 时,option.value === '', 需要用 el.attributes.value 来判断是否有设定 value var val = elem.attributes.value; return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text; } }, select: { // 对于 select, 特别是 multiple type, 存在很严重的兼容性问题 get: function(elem) { var index = elem.selectedIndex, options = elem.options, one = elem.type === "select-one"; // Nothing was selected if (index < 0) { return null; } else if (one) { return DOM.val(options[index]); } // Loop through all the selected options var ret = [], i = 0, len = options.length; for (; i < len; ++i) { if (options[i].selected) { ret.push(DOM.val(options[i])); } } // Multi-Selects return an array return ret; }, set: function(elem, value) { var values = S.makeArray(value), opts = elem.options; S.each(opts, function(opt) { opt.selected = S.inArray(DOM.val(opt), values); }); if (!values.length) { elem.selectedIndex = -1; } return values; } }}; function isTextNode(elem) { return DOM._nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.TEXT_NODE); } if (oldIE) { // get attribute value from attribute node for ie attrNodeHook = { get: function(elem, name) { var ret; ret = elem.getAttributeNode(name); // Return undefined if nodeValue is empty string return ret && ret.nodeValue !== "" ? ret.nodeValue : undefined; }, set: function(elem, value, name) { // Check form objects in IE (multiple bugs related) // Only use nodeValue if the attribute node exists on the form var ret = elem.getAttributeNode(name); if (ret) { ret.nodeValue = value; } else { try { var attr = elem.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name); attr.value = value; elem.setAttributeNode(attr); } catch (e) { // It's a real failure only if setAttribute also fails. return elem.setAttribute(name, value, 0); } } } }; // ie6,7 不区分 attribute 与 property attrFix = propFix; // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ attrHooks.tabIndex = attrHooks.tabindex; // fix ie bugs // 不光是 href, src, 还有 rowspan 等非 mapping 属性,也需要用第 2 个参数来获取原始值 // 注意 colSpan rowSpan 已经由 propFix 转为大写 S.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height","colSpan","rowSpan" ], function(name) { attrHooks[ name ] = { get: function(elem) { var ret = elem.getAttribute(name, 2); return ret === null ? undefined : ret; } }; }); // button 元素的 value 属性和其内容冲突 // valHooks.button = attrHooks.value = attrNodeHook; } // Radios and checkboxes getter/setter S.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function(r) { valHooks[ r ] = { get: function(elem) { // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; }, set: function(elem, value) { if (S.isArray(value)) { return elem.checked = S.inArray(DOM.val(elem), value); } } }; }); function getProp(elem, name) { name = propFix[ name ] || name; var hook = propHooks[ name ]; if (hook && hook.get) { return hook.get(elem, name); } else { return elem[ name ]; } } S.mix(DOM, { /** * 自定义属性不推荐使用,使用 .data * @param selector * @param name * @param value */ prop: function(selector, name, value) { // suports hash if (S.isPlainObject(name)) { for (var k in name) { DOM.prop(selector, k, name[k]); } return; } var elems = DOM.query(selector); // Try to normalize/fix the name name = propFix[ name ] || name; var hook = propHooks[ name ]; if (value !== undefined) { elems.each(function(elem) { if (hook && hook.set) { hook.set(elem, value, name); } else { elem[ name ] = value; } }); } else { if (elems.length) { return getProp(elems[0], name); } } }, /** * 是否其中一个元素包含指定 property * @param selector * @param name */ hasProp:function(selector, name) { var elems = DOM.query(selector); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var el = elems[i]; if (getProp(el, name) !== undefined) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * 不推荐使用,使用 .data .removeData * @param selector * @param name */ removeProp:function(selector, name) { name = propFix[ name ] || name; DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) { try { el[ name ] = undefined; delete el[ name ]; } catch(e) { S.log("delete el property error : "); S.log(e); } }); }, /** * Gets the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or * Sets an attribute for the set of matched elements. */ attr:function(selector, name, val, pass) { /* Hazards From Caja Note: - In IE[67], el.setAttribute doesn't work for attributes like 'class' or 'for'. IE[67] expects you to set 'className' or 'htmlFor'. Caja use setAttributeNode solves this problem. - In IE[67], elements can shadow attributes. If el is a form that contains an named x, then el.setAttribute(x, y) will set x's value rather than setting el's attribute. Using setAttributeNode solves this problem. - In IE[67], the style attribute can only be modified by setting el.style.cssText. Neither setAttribute nor setAttributeNode will work. el.style.cssText isn't bullet-proof, since it can be shadowed by elements. - In IE[67], you can never change the type of an