model = new \app\admin\model\cms\AuthorManuscript; $site_manuscript_status = config('site.manuscript_status'); $this->assignconfig('site_manuscript_status', $site_manuscript_status); $site_type_list = $this->model->typeList(); $this->assignconfig('site_type_list', $site_manuscript_status); } public function index() { //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $list = $this->model->with(['user']) ->where($where) ->order($sort, $order) ->paginate($limit); $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); return json($result); } return $this->view->fetch(); } public function edit($ids = null) { $row = $this->model->get($ids); if (!$row) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $row->author_content = json_decode($row->author_content, true); $row->review_content = json_decode($row->review_content, true); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds) && !in_array($row[$this->dataLimitField], $adminIds)) { $this->error(__('You have no permission')); } if (false === $this->request->isPost()) { $this->view->assign('row', $row); return $this->view->fetch(); } $params = $this->request->post('row/a'); if (empty($params)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', '')); } $params = $this->preExcludeFields($params); $result = false; Db::startTrans(); try { //是否采用模型验证 if ($this->modelValidate) { $name = str_replace("\\model\\", "\\validate\\", get_class($this->model)); $validate = is_bool($this->modelValidate) ? ($this->modelSceneValidate ? $name . '.edit' : $name) : $this->modelValidate; $row->validateFailException()->validate($validate); } $result = $row->allowField(true)->save($params); Db::commit(); } catch (ValidateException|PDOException|Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if (false === $result) { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } $this->success(); } /** * 修改主编 * * @return string|void * @throws Exception */ public function edit_chief($ids = null) { $row = $this->model->get($ids); // 获取编辑信息 $chief_list = User::where(['is_chief' => 'correct'])->column('nickname', 'id'); // 获取编辑状态 $status_list = config('site.edit_manuscript_status'); // 模板 if (false === $this->request->isPost()) { $this->view->assign('row', $row); $this->view->assign('status_list', $status_list); $this->view->assign('chief_list', $chief_list); return $this->view->fetch(); } $params = $this->request->post('row/a'); if (empty($params)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', '')); } $params = $this->preExcludeFields($params); $result = false; Db::startTrans(); try { //是否采用模型验证 if ($this->modelValidate) { $name = str_replace("\\model\\", "\\validate\\", get_class($this->model)); $validate = is_bool($this->modelValidate) ? ($this->modelSceneValidate ? $name . '.edit' : $name) : $this->modelValidate; $row->validateFailException()->validate($validate); } $result = $row->allowField(true)->save($params); // 添加手稿状态日志 $log = new \app\admin\model\cms\ManuscriptLog(); $log->manuscript_id = $ids; $log->user_id = $this->auth->id; $log->type = 'admin'; $log->status = $params['status']; $log->save(); Db::commit(); } catch (ValidateException|PDOException|Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if (false === $result) { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } $this->success(); } /** * 查看对应手稿意见 * * @param $ids * @return string|\think\response\Json * @throws Exception */ public function comments($ids = null) { //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $model = new Comments(); $list = $model->with(['user', 'manuscript']) ->where(['manuscript_id' => $ids]) ->where($where) ->order($sort, $order) ->paginate($limit); $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); return json($result); } return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * 意见详情 * * @param $ids * @return string|void * @throws Exception */ public function comments_detail($ids = null) { $model = new Comments(); $row = $model->get($ids); // 模板 if (false === $this->request->isPost()) { $this->view->assign('row', $row); return $this->view->fetch(); } } /** * 发送邮件 * * @param $ids * @return string * @throws \think\Exception * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException */ public function email($ids = null) { $row = $this->model->get($ids); $typeList = ['author' => __('Author'), 'editor' => __('Editor'), 'reviewer' => __('Reviewer')]; if ($this->request->isPost()) { $params = $this->request->post("row/a"); $user = User::where(['email' => $params['send_user_email']])->find(); if (empty($user)) $this->error(__('No corresponding user found')); $option = [ 'mail_smtp_host' => $this->auth->mail_smtp_host, 'mail_smtp_port' => $this->auth->mail_smtp_port, 'mail_smtp_user' => $this->auth->mail_smtp_user, 'mail_smtp_pass' => $this->auth->mail_smtp_pass, 'mail_from' => $this->auth->mail_smtp_user, ]; $email = new Email($option); $result = $email ->to($user->email) ->subject($row->title) ->message('
' . $params['send_content'] . '
') ->send(); if ($result) { $email_content_model = new EmailContent(); // 数据库记录发送信息 Db::startTrans(); try { $email_content_param['user_id'] = $this->auth->id; $receiver_user = User::where(['email' => $params['send_user_email']])->find(); $email_content_param['receiver_id'] = $receiver_user['id']; $email_content_param['email'] = $params['send_user_email']; $email_content_param['content'] = $params['send_content']; $model_result = $email_content_model->allowField(true)->save($email_content_param); Db::commit(); } catch (ValidateException|PDOException|Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if ($model_result) { $this->success(); } } else { $this->error(__('Sending failed. Please check whether the SMTP settings are correct')); } } $this->view->assign('row', $row); $this->view->assign('typeList', $typeList); return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * 对应手稿内相关人员 * * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\exception\DbException */ public function send_user_list() { $manuscript_id = $this->request->request('manuscript_id'); $sendUserList = []; $row = $this->model->get($manuscript_id); if (!$row) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $email_arr = []; // 整合作者邮箱 $author_email_arr = json_decode($row['author_content'], true); foreach ($author_email_arr as $author_email) { $email_arr[] = $author_email['email']; } // 整合编辑邮箱 $editor_email_arr = User::where(['id' => ['in', explode(',', $row['editor_ids'])]])->column('email'); foreach ($editor_email_arr as $editor_email) { $email_arr[] = $editor_email; } // 整合审稿人邮箱 $reviewer_email_arr = User::where(['id' => ['in', explode(',', $row['editor_ids'])]])->column('email'); foreach ($reviewer_email_arr as $reviewer_email) { $email_arr[] = $reviewer_email; } // 去重数组 $unique_email_arr = array_filter(array_unique($email_arr)); foreach ($unique_email_arr as $key => $item) { $sendUserList[] = [ 'id' => $item, 'name' => $item, ]; } $result = array("total" => count($sendUserList), "rows" => $sendUserList); return json($result); } }