'链接', 'Userame' => '用户名', 'Createtime' => '操作时间', 'Click to edit' => '点击编辑', 'Admin log' => '操作日志', 'Leave password blank if dont want to change' => '不修改密码请留空', 'Please input correct email' => '请输入正确的Email地址', 'Please input correct password' => '密码长度必须在6-30位之间,不能包含空格', 'Password must be 6 to 30 characters' => '密码长度必须在6-30位之间,不能包含空格', 'Email already exists' => '邮箱已经存在', 'Wrong configuration will cause server timeout when sending mail' => '错误的配置发送邮件会导致服务器超时', 'The default is 25 without encryption, 465 for SSL, and 587 for TLS' => '不加密默认25,SSL默认465,TLS默认587', 'Fill in the full user name' => '填写完整用户名', 'Fill in your password or authorization code' => '填写您的密码或授权码', ];