define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { //设置弹窗宽高 Fast.config.openArea = ['80%', '80%']; var Controller = { index: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: 'cms/channel/index', add_url: 'cms/channel/add', edit_url: 'cms/channel/edit', del_url: 'cms/channel/del', multi_url: 'cms/channel/multi', dragsort_url: '', table: 'cms_channel', } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: 'id', sortName: 'weigh', pagination: false, escape: false, fixedColumns: true, fixedRightNumber: 1, exportTypes: ['excel'], columns: [ [ {checkbox: true}, {field: 'id', title: __('Id')}, { field: 'type', title: __('Type'), custom: {channel: 'info', list: 'success', link: 'primary', home: 'warning', footer: 'danger'}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.flag }, // {field: 'model_name', title: __('Model_name'), operate: false}, {field: 'name', title: __('Name'), align: 'left'}, { field: 'url', title: __('Url'), operate: false, formatter: function (value, row, index) { return ''; } }, {field: 'flag', title: __('Flag'), operate: 'find_in_set', searchList: Config.flagList, formatter: Table.api.formatter.flag}, // { // field: 'spiders', title: __('Spiders'), visible: Config.spiderRecord || false, operate: false, formatter: function (value, row, index) { // if (!$.isArray(value) || value.length === 0) { // return '-'; // } // var html = []; // $.each(value, function (i, j) { // var color = 'default', title = '暂无来访记录'; // if (j.status === 'today') { // color = 'danger'; // title = "今天有来访记录"; // } else if (j.status === 'pass') { // color = 'success'; // title = "最后来访日期:" +; // } // html.push('' + j.title.substr(0, 1) + ''); // }); // return html.join(" "); // } // }, // {field: 'items', title: __('Items')}, // {field: 'vip', title: __('Vip')}, { field: 'weigh', title: __('Weigh'), formatter: function (value, row, index) { return ''; }, events: { "dblclick .text-weigh": function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } }, { field: 'createtime', title: __('Createtime'), visible: false, operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, { field: 'updatetime', title: __('Updatetime'), visible: false, operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, // {field: 'iscontribute', title: __('Iscontribute'), searchList: {"1": __('Yes'), "0": __('No')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.toggle}, {field: 'isnav', title: __('Isnav'), searchList: {"1": __('Yes'), "0": __('No')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.toggle}, {field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status}, { field: 'id', title: '', operate: false, formatter: Controller.api.formatter.subnode }, { field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), clickToSelect: false, table: table, width: 170, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate, buttons: [ // { // name: 'addsub', // text: '添加子栏目', // classname: 'btn btn-info btn-xs btn-dialog', // icon: 'fa fa-plus', // url: 'cms/channel/add/parent_id/{ids}/type/{type}' // }, { name: 'editor', classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-warning btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-user-circle-o', title: __('Assign editors'), text: __('Assign editors'), url: function (row) { return 'cms/channel/add_chief?ids=' +; }, visible: function (row) { console.log(row); if (row.type === 'channel' || row.type === 'list') { if (row.type === 'list') { if ( === 34 || === 35 || === 36) { return false; } } return true; } }, callback: function (data) { Layer.alert("接收到回传数据:" + JSON.stringify(data), {title: "回传数据"}); }, }, ] } ] ], search: false, commonSearch: false }); // 绑定TAB事件 $('.panel-heading a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) { var field = $(this).closest("ul").data("field"); var value = $(this).data("value"); var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions'); options.pageNumber = 1; options.queryParams = function (params) { // params.model_id = value; params.type = value; return params; }; table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {}); return false; }); $(document).on("change", ".text-weigh", function () { $(this).data("params", {weigh: $(this).val()}); Table.api.multi('', [$(this).data("id")], table, this); return false; }); //当内容渲染完成后 table.on('', function (e, settings, json, xhr) { //默认隐藏所有子节点 //$("a.btn[data-id][data-pid][data-pid!=0]").closest("tr").hide(); //$(".btn-node-sub.disabled[data-pid!=0]").closest("tr").hide(); //显示隐藏子节点 $(".btn-node-sub").off("click").on("click", function (e) { var status = $(this).data("shown") || $("a.btn[data-pid='" + $(this).data("id") + "']:visible").length > 0 ? true : false; $("a.btn[data-pid='" + $(this).data("id") + "']").each(function () { $(this).closest("tr").toggle(!status); if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled")) { $(this).trigger("click"); } }); $(this).data("shown", !status); return false; }); }); //展开隐藏一级 $(document.body).on("click", ".btn-toggle", function (e) { $("a.btn[data-id][data-pid][data-pid!=0].disabled").closest("tr").hide(); var that = this; var show = $("i", that).hasClass("fa-chevron-down"); $("i", that).toggleClass("fa-chevron-down", !show); $("i", that).toggleClass("fa-chevron-up", show); $("a.btn[data-id][data-pid][data-pid!=0]").closest("tr").toggle(show); $(".btn-node-sub[data-pid=0]").data("shown", show); }); //展开隐藏全部 $(document.body).on("click", ".btn-toggle-all", function (e) { var that = this; var show = $("i", that).hasClass("fa-plus"); $("i", that).toggleClass("fa-plus", !show); $("i", that).toggleClass("fa-minus", show); $(".btn-node-sub.disabled[data-pid!=0]").closest("tr").toggle(show); $(".btn-node-sub[data-pid!=0]").data("shown", show); }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); }, add: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); $("input[name='row[type]'][value=list]").trigger("click"); $("select[name='row[model_id]']").trigger("change"); }, edit: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); $("input[name='row[type]']:checked").trigger("fa.event.typeupdated", "edit"); var data = Config.linkdata; if (typeof data.type !== 'undefined') { $("#c-outlink").prop("readonly", true); $("#outlink-extend").html(Template("outlinktpl", data)); } }, add_chief: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); }, admin: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: 'cms/channel/admin', dragsort_url: '', table: 'channel_admin', } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: 'id', sortName: 'weigh', pagination: false, escape: false, columns: [ [ { field: 'superadmin', title: __('Type'), formatter: function (value, row, index) { return row.superadmin ? "超级管理员" : "普通管理员"; } }, {field: 'username', title: __('Username')}, {field: 'nickname', title: __('Nickname')}, {field: 'channels', title: __('Channels')}, { field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), table: table, formatter: Table.api.formatter.buttons, buttons: [ { name: 'authorization', text: __('Authorization'), classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-success btn-authorization', icon: 'fa fa-list', url: 'cms/channel/admin/act/authorization', visible: function (row) { return !row.superadmin; }, }, { name: 'remove', text: __('Remove'), classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-remove btn-ajax', icon: 'fa fa-times', url: 'cms/channel/admin/act/remove', visible: function (row) { return row.channels > 0; }, confirm: __('Are you sure you want to remove this item?'), success: function (ret) { $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); } } ] } ] ], search: false, commonSearch: false }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); require(['jstree'], function () { //全选和展开 $(document).on("click", "#checkall", function () { $("#channeltree").jstree($(this).prop("checked") ? "check_all" : "uncheck_all"); }); $(document).on("click", "#expandall", function () { $("#channeltree").jstree($(this).prop("checked") ? "open_all" : "close_all"); }); // 点击授权 $(document).on("click", ".btn-authorization", function () { var row = Table.api.getrowbyindex(table, $(this).data("row-index")); Fast.api.ajax($(this).attr("href"), function (data, ret) {{ id: "auth", type: 1, title: __('Authorization'), btn: [__('Save')], area: ["600px", "400px"], content: Template("authorizationtpl", {}), success: function () { $('#channeltree').jstree({ "themes": { "stripes": true }, "checkbox": { "keep_selected_style": false, }, "types": { "channel": { "icon": "fa fa-th", }, "list": { "icon": "fa fa-list", }, "link": { "icon": "fa fa-link", }, "disabled": { "check_node": false, "uncheck_node": false } }, 'plugins': ["types", "checkbox"], "core": { "multiple": true, 'check_callback': true, "data": data } }); }, yes: function (index, o) { var selected = $("#channeltree", o).jstree("get_selected"); if (selected.length <= 0) { Layer.msg(__('You must choose at least one channel'), {id: "aaafd"}); } else { Fast.api.ajax({ url: "cms/channel/admin/act/save/ids/" +, data: {"ids": selected.join(",")} }, function (data, ret) { $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); Layer.close(index); }); } } }); return false; }); return false; }); }); }, api: { formatter: { title: function (value, row, index) { return !row.ismenu || row.status == 'hidden' ? "" + value + "" : value; }, name: function (value, row, index) { return !row.ismenu || row.status == 'hidden' ? "" + value + "" : value; }, icon: function (value, row, index) { return ''; }, subnode: function (value, row, index) { return ''; } }, bindevent: function () { $.validator.config({ rules: { single: function (element) { return !$("#c-name").val().match(/\n/); }, channelname: function (element) { if (element.value.toString().match(/^\d+$/)) { return __('Can not be only digital'); } return $.ajax({ url: 'cms/channel/check_element_available', type: 'POST', data: {id: $("#c-name").val(), name:, value: element.value}, dataType: 'json' }); }, diyname: function (element) { if (element.value.toString().match(/^\d+$/)) { return __('Can not be only digital'); } if (!element.value.toString().match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return __('Please input character or digital'); } return $.ajax({ url: 'cms/channel/check_element_available', type: 'POST', data: {id: $("#channel-id").val(), name:, value: element.value}, dataType: 'json' }); } } }); //不可见的元素不验证 $("form[role=form]").data("validator-options", {ignore: ':hidden'}); //获取栏目拼音 var si; $(document).on("keyup", "#c-name", function () { var value = $(this).val(); if (value != '' && !value.match(/\n/)) { clearTimeout(si); si = setTimeout(function () { Fast.api.ajax({ loading: false, url: "cms/ajax/get_title_pinyin", data: {title: value} }, function (data, ret) { $("#c-diyname").val(data.pinyin.substr(0, 100)); return false; }, function (data, ret) { return false; }); }, 200); } }); $(document).on("click fa.event.typeupdated", "input[name='row[type]']", function (e, ref) { $(".tf").addClass("hidden"); $("" + $(this).val()).removeClass("hidden"); if (typeof ref == 'undefined') { $("select[name='row[model_id]']").trigger("change"); } if ($(this).val() == 'link') { //$("#parent_id option").prop("disabled", false); } }); Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); $(document).on("change", "select[name='row[model_id]']", function () { // var parentChannel = $("#parent_id"); // $("option[value=0]", parentChannel).prop("selected", true); // $("option[data-model]", parentChannel).prop("disabled", true); // $("option[data-model='" + $(this).val() + "']", parentChannel).prop("disabled", false); var data = $("option:selected", this).data(); var type = $("input[name='row[type]']:checked").val(); $("input[name='row[channeltpl]']").val(data.channeltpl).prev().val(data.channeltpl); $("input[name='row[listtpl]']").val(data.listtpl).prev().val(data.listtpl); $("input[name='row[showtpl]']").val(data.showtpl).prev().val(data.showtpl); }); $(document).on("click", ".btn-select-link", function () { var url = $(this).data("url");, "选择链接", { callback: function (data) { $("#c-outlink").val(data.url).prop("readonly", true); $("#outlink-extend").html(Template("outlinktpl", data)); $("input[name='row[linktype]']").val(data.type); $("input[name='row[linkid]']").val(data.source_id); } }); }); $(document).on("click", ".btn-remove-link", function () { $("#c-outlink").val('').prop("readonly", false); $("#outlink-extend").html(''); $("input[name='row[linktype]']").val(''); $("input[name='row[linkid]']").val('0'); }); } } }; return Controller; });