en.json 4.5 KB

  1. {
  2. "login": {
  3. "登录": "Sign in",
  4. "注册": "register",
  5. "账号": "account number",
  6. "密码": "password",
  7. "请输入手机号": "cell-phone number",
  8. "请输入密码": "Please input a password",
  9. "仅限内部员工使用": "For internal employees only",
  10. "记住账号": "Remember account number",
  11. "去注册": "To register",
  12. "去登录": "Go login",
  13. "请输入正确的手机号": "Please enter the correct mobile phone number",
  14. "验证码": "Verification Code",
  15. "发送验证码": "Send verification code",
  16. "重试": "Try again in",
  17. "请输入验证码": "Verification Code"
  18. },
  19. "index": {
  20. "提交服务": "Submit service",
  21. "查看进度": "View progress",
  22. "服务评价": "Service evaluation",
  23. "知识库": "knowledge base",
  24. "服务商城": "Service Mall",
  25. "提示": "Tips",
  26. "请确认是否退出登录?": "Are you sure you want to log out?"
  27. },
  28. "server": {
  29. "提交服务": "Submit service",
  30. "工单编号": "Work order No",
  31. "工单标题": "Work order title",
  32. "请填写工单标题": "Please fill in the job title",
  33. "维修产品": "Maintenance products",
  34. "添加产品": "Add product",
  35. "情况说明": "Situation description",
  36. "预约时间": "time of appointment",
  37. "紧急程度": "Degree of urgency",
  38. "附件": "enclosure",
  39. "上传图片": "Upload pictures",
  40. "联系人": "contacts",
  41. "请填写联系人": "Please fill in the contact person",
  42. "手机号": "Please fill in your mobile phone number",
  43. "提交": "Submit",
  44. "元": "money",
  45. "priarr": ["commonly","urgent","Very urgent"],
  46. "名称": "name",
  47. "价格": "Price",
  48. "规格": "Specifications",
  49. "状态": "state",
  50. "暂无更多": "No more",
  51. "全选": "Select all",
  52. "取消": "cancel",
  53. "确定": "determine"
  54. },
  55. "progress": {
  56. "查看进度": "View progress",
  57. "全部": "whole",
  58. "处理中": "Processing",
  59. "已完成": "Completed",
  60. "已终止": "Terminated",
  61. "暂无更多": "No more",
  62. "情况说明": "Situation description",
  63. "提交时间": "Submission time",
  64. "客户信息": "Customer information",
  65. "联系人": "contacts",
  66. "手机号": "cell-phone number",
  67. "服务信息": "Service information",
  68. "情况描述": "Situation description",
  69. "预约时间": "time of appointment",
  70. "图片": "picture",
  71. "评论内容": "Comment content",
  72. "评论": "comment",
  73. "详情": "details",
  74. "回复": "reply",
  75. "请输入内容": "Please enter the content",
  76. "确定": "determine",
  77. "是否解决问题": "Is the problem solved",
  78. "附件": "enclosure",
  79. "评分": "score",
  80. "评价服务": "Evaluation services",
  81. "工单详情": "Work order details",
  82. "评价内容": "Evaluation content",
  83. "type": [
  84. {"id":"1","name":"yes"},
  85. {"id":"2","name":"no"}
  86. ],
  87. "产品": "product"
  88. },
  89. "evaluate": {
  90. "评价": "evaluate",
  91. "已评价": "Evaluated",
  92. "未评价": "Not evaluated",
  93. "去评价": "To evaluate",
  94. "是否解决问题": "Is the problem solved",
  95. "评分": "score",
  96. "附件": "enclosure",
  97. "上传图片": "Upload pictures",
  98. "情况描述": "Situation description",
  99. "确定": "determine",
  100. "type": [
  101. {"id":"1","name":"yes"},
  102. {"id":"2","name":"no"}
  103. ]
  104. },
  105. "knowledge": {
  106. "知识库": "knowledge base",
  107. "类目分类": "Category classification",
  108. "确认": "confirm",
  109. "暂无更多": "No more"
  110. },
  111. "shopmall": {
  112. "服务商城": "Service Mall",
  113. "请输入关键词搜索": "Please enter keyword search",
  114. "加入购物车": "add to cart",
  115. "已选": "Selected",
  116. "件": "piece",
  117. "提交订单": "place order",
  118. "商品清单": "Commodity list",
  119. "合计": "total",
  120. "描述信息": "Description information",
  121. "必填": "Required",
  122. "请输入描述信息": "Please enter a description",
  123. "客户信息": "Customer information",
  124. "公司名称": "corporate name",
  125. "请输入公司名称": "Please enter company name",
  126. "联系人": "contacts",
  127. "请输入联系人姓名":"Please enter contact name",
  128. "电话": "Telephone",
  129. "请输入联系人手机号": "Please enter the phone number of the contact",
  130. "地址": "address",
  131. "请选择区域": "Please select an area",
  132. "请填写详细地址": "Please fill in the detailed address",
  133. "购物车": "Shopping Cart",
  134. "订单详情": "Order details",
  135. "暂无更多": "No more",
  136. "编号": "number",
  137. "单价": "Unit Price",
  138. "数量": "quantity",
  139. "小计": "Subtotal",
  140. "规格": "Specifications"
  141. }
  142. }