zh-cn.php 12 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'Status' => '工单状态',
  4. 'Status 0' => '已提交',
  5. 'Status 1' => '已分派',
  6. 'Status 2' => '待工程师回复',
  7. 'Status 3' => '待您反馈',
  8. 'Status 4' => '待评价',
  9. 'Status 5' => '已结单',
  10. '%s can not be empty!' => '%s不能为空!',
  11. 'The engineer has viewed your submitted questions' => '工程师已查看您提交的问题,正在处理中',
  12. 'Please enter the verification code' => '请输入验证码~',
  13. 'Please enter the correct verification code~' => '请输入正确的验证码~',
  14. 'User name cannot be empty' => '用户名不能为空~',
  15. 'User name must be 3 to 30 characters' => '用户名必须为3到30个字符~',
  16. 'Password cannot be empty' => '密码不能为空~',
  17. 'The password must be between 3 and 30 characters' => '密码必须为3到30个字符~',
  18. 'Logged in successful' => '登录成功~',
  19. 'Account is incorrect' => '账户不正确',
  20. 'Account is locked' => '账户已经被锁定',
  21. 'Password is incorrect' => '密码不正确',
  22. 'You have no permission to operate!' => '您没有权限操作!',
  23. 'Untitled' => '无标题',
  24. 'Work order not found~' => '工单找不到啦~',
  25. 'Token incorrect!' => 'Token不正确!',
  26. 'engineer not found~' => '工程师找不到啦~',
  27. 'user not found~' => '用户找不到啦~',
  28. 'You can delete a work order after closing it!' => '关闭/评价工单后才能删除哦!',
  29. 'Delete Success~' => '删除成功~',
  30. 'Delete Fail!' => '删除失败,请重试!',
  31. 'The current status of the work order cannot be evaluated~' => '工单当前状态不可评价~',
  32. 'The work order has been evaluated~' => '工单已经评价过了~',
  33. 'Nothing happened~' => '什么也没发生~',
  34. 'Work order details' => '工单详情',
  35. 'Record order not found!' => '您要查看的记录找不到啦!',
  36. 'I cant find the knowledge~' => '知识点找不到啦~',
  37. 'Product / service classification not found~' => '产品/服务分类找不到啦~',
  38. 'Emergency level of no work order available!' => '无可用工单紧急程度!',
  39. 'Submitted successfully~' => '提交成功~',
  40. 'You have already ordered %s!' => '您已经点过%s了!',
  41. 'fabulous' => '赞',
  42. 'step on' => '踩',
  43. 'The engineer has viewed the work order you submitted:%s and is processing it.' => '工程师已查看您提交的工单:%s ,正在处理中。',
  44. 'The engineer has replied to your work order:%s, please check the feedback in time.' => '工程师已回复您提交的工单:%s ,请您及时查看反馈。',
  45. 'Dear engineer, you have received a new work order:%s, please handle it in time.' => '尊敬的工程师,您好,您收到了一条新的工单:%s ,请及时处理。',
  46. 'Dear engineer, work order:%s, user feedback has been received, please handle it in time.' => '尊敬的工程师,工单:%s ,已收到用户反馈,请您及时处理。',
  47. 'Dear engineer, work order:%s, the user hopes you will reply as soon as possible.' => '尊敬的工程师,工单:%s,用户希望您尽快回复。',
  48. 'Sending scenario not recognized by the work order system' => '工单系统无法识别的发送情景',
  49. '[new reply received for work order]' => '【工单收到新的回复】',
  50. 'Work order:%s the engineer has replied to your question. Please check / feed back in time.' => '工单:%s 工程师已回复您的问题,请及时查看/反馈。',
  51. '[work order receives new feedback]' => '【工单收到新的反馈】',
  52. 'Work order:%s the user has fed back new information, please check / reply in time.' => '工单:%s 用户反馈了新的信息,请及时查看/回复。',
  53. '[new work order]' => '【新的工单】',
  54. 'The user submitted a new job:%s please process it as soon as possible.' => '用户提交了新的工单:%s 请尽快处理。',
  55. '[work order is already being processed]' => '【工单已在处理】',
  56. 'Work order:%s the engineer has reviewed the problem you submitted and is processing it' => '工单:%s 工程师已查看您提交的问题,正在处理中',
  57. '[work order reminder]' => '【工单催办】',
  58. 'open' => '开',
  59. 'close' => '关',
  60. 'Please select the overall evaluation~' => '请选择整体评价~',
  61. 'Please select whether the problem has been solved~' => '请选择问题是否已解决~',
  62. 'Evaluation submitted successfully~' => '评价提交成功~',
  63. 'Evaluation failed, please try again!' => '评价失败,请重试!',
  64. 'Reply Success~' => '回复成功~',
  65. 'The engineer has not bound users!' => '该工程师未绑定用户,无法进行转移!',
  66. 'Engineer and issuer cannot be the same person!' => '工程师与发单人不能为同一人,无法进行转移!',
  67. 'The work order has been transferred to:%s' => '工单已转接给:%s',
  68. 'Work order transferred~' => '工单已转接~',
  69. 'Submit user' => '提交用户',
  70. 'The work order has been closed!' => '该工单已经关闭了哦!',
  71. 'The engineer was not allowed to close the work order~' => '未允许工程师关闭工单~',
  72. 'Work order closed successfully~' => '工单关闭成功~',
  73. 'Reminder function not enabled~' => '催办功能未开启~',
  74. 'Reminder message sent successfully~' => '催办消息发送成功~',
  75. 'Urge message sent frequently!' => '您之前的催办消息已发送,请勿频繁催办~',
  76. 'Waiting for user feedback' => '待用户反馈',
  77. 'To be evaluated by users' => '待用户评价',
  78. 'Waiting for your reply' => '待您回复',
  79. 'Unknown size' => '未知大小',
  80. 'Confidential information is hidden' => '机密信息已隐藏',
  81. 'check' => '查看',
  82. '%s file' => '%s文件',
  83. 'The job has been closed automatically!' => '您太久时间没有回复,工单已自动关闭,若还有疑问,请重新提交工单',
  84. 'My work order' => '我的工单',
  85. 'work order manage' => '工单管理',
  86. 'Evaluation Work Order' => '评价工单',
  87. 'Query results' => '查询结果',
  88. 'Submit work order' => '提交工单',
  89. 'Recommended solutions' => '推荐解决方案',
  90. 'Create work order' => '创建工单',
  91. '%d second%s ago' => '%d秒前',
  92. '%d minute%s ago' => '%d分钟前',
  93. '%d hour%s ago' => '%d小时前',
  94. '%d day%s ago' => '%d天前',
  95. '%d week%s ago' => '%d周前',
  96. '%d month%s ago' => '%d月前',
  97. '%d year%s ago' => '%d年前',
  98. 'Missing parameter!' => '缺少参数!',
  99. ];