archives.php 5.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'Channel' => '栏目',
  4. 'P_Channel_id' => '主栏目',
  5. 'Channel_id' => '栏目',
  6. 'Channel_ids' => '副栏目集合',
  7. 'Manuscript_id' => '手稿',
  8. 'Channel_name' => '栏目名称',
  9. 'Channel list' => '栏目列表',
  10. 'Addon list' => '副表列表',
  11. 'Model' => '模型',
  12. 'Model_id' => '模型ID',
  13. 'User_id' => '发布会员',
  14. 'Author_ids' => '发布作者',
  15. 'Admin_id' => '发布管理员',
  16. 'Special_id' => '所属专题',
  17. 'Special_ids' => '所属专题',
  18. 'Title' => '文档标题',
  19. 'Seotitle' => 'SEO标题',
  20. 'Flag' => '标志',
  21. 'Top' => '置顶',
  22. 'Image' => '缩略图',
  23. 'Images' => '组图',
  24. 'Keywords' => '关键字',
  25. 'Description' => '描述',
  26. 'Price' => '价格',
  27. 'Spiders' => '来访',
  28. 'Tags' => 'TAG',
  29. 'Outlink' => '跳转链接',
  30. 'Weigh' => '权重',
  31. 'Views' => '浏览',
  32. 'Comments' => '评论',
  33. 'Likes' => '点赞',
  34. 'Dislikes' => '点踩',
  35. 'Facebooks' => '脸书',
  36. 'Twitters' => '推特',
  37. 'Ins' => 'In',
  38. 'Wechats' => '微信',
  39. 'Diyname' => '自定义名称',
  40. 'Createtime' => '创建时间',
  41. 'Updatetime' => '更新时间',
  42. 'Publishtime' => '发布时间',
  43. 'Deletetime' => '删除时间',
  44. 'Isguest' => '游客访问',
  45. 'Iscomment' => '允许评论',
  46. 'Recycle bin' => '回收站',
  47. 'Restore' => '还原',
  48. 'Restore all' => '还原全部',
  49. 'Destroy' => '销毁',
  50. 'Destroy all' => '清空回收站',
  51. 'Nothing need restore' => '没有需要还原的数据',
  52. 'Move tips' => '只能将数据移动到相同模型的栏目下,不同模型的数据移动将被忽略',
  53. 'Are you sure you want to truncate?' => '确认清空回收站?',
  54. 'Can not be only digital' => '不能仅为数字',
  55. 'Please input character or digital' => '请输入字母、数字或下划线',
  56. 'Check content is legal' => '检查内容是否有违禁词',
  57. 'Get the keyword and description' => '提取关键字和描述',
  58. 'Get first image from content' => '提取内容第1张图作为缩略图',
  59. 'Please select channel' => '请选择分类',
  60. 'Please select special' => '请选择专题',
  61. 'Please select at least one row' => '请选择需要操作的数据',
  62. 'Set special' => '加入专题',
  63. 'The data already exist' => '已经存在',
  64. 'Banned words' => '违禁词',
  65. 'Status' => '状态',
  66. 'Status normal' => '正常',
  67. 'Status hidden' => '待审核',
  68. 'Status rejected' => '已拒绝',
  69. 'Status pulloff' => '已下线',
  70. 'Set flag' => '修改标志信息',
  71. 'Set to hidden' => '设为待审核',
  72. 'Set to rejected' => '设为已拒绝',
  73. 'Set to pulloff' => '设为已下线',
  74. 'Join to special' => '加入专题',
  75. 'Join to tag' => '加入标签',
  76. 'Copy selected' => '复制选择的行',
  77. 'Are you sure you want to copy %s records?' => '确认复制 %s 条记录?',
  78. 'Publish and continue' => '发布并新增',
  79. 'Array key' => '键',
  80. 'Array value' => '值',
  81. 'Publish' => '发布',
  82. 'Ishome' => '首页显示',
  83. 'Normal' => '显示',
  84. 'Hidden' => '隐藏',
  85. ];